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My day – daily routine NÁZEV ŠKOLY: ZŠ a MŠ Osoblaha, příspěvková organizace AUTOR: Miroslava Jarkulišová NÁZEV: VY_32_INOVACE_13_ Jazyk anglický TEMA:

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Prezentace na téma: "My day – daily routine NÁZEV ŠKOLY: ZŠ a MŠ Osoblaha, příspěvková organizace AUTOR: Miroslava Jarkulišová NÁZEV: VY_32_INOVACE_13_ Jazyk anglický TEMA:"— Transkript prezentace:

1 My day – daily routine NÁZEV ŠKOLY: ZŠ a MŠ Osoblaha, příspěvková organizace AUTOR: Miroslava Jarkulišová NÁZEV: VY_32_INOVACE_13_ Jazyk anglický TEMA: My day – daily routine ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.4.09/21.0816

2 Datum vytvoření projektu květen 2012 Ročník5. Popis prezentaceZopakování a procvičení slovní zásoby tématu – My day – daily routine, spojení obrázků se slovy, tvoření krátkých vět, present simple - questions, negatives, when – what time, where

3 What do you do from Monday to Sunday ? What is your daily routine ? Do you like your day ?

4 I get up I make my bed I clean my teeth I wash my hands and face I have a shower I get dressed I have breakfast I go to school I am at school- my lessons start I have lunch

5 I go home I take a bus I go out with my friends I play football I do my homework I work on the computer I have dinner I wash up I watch TV I have a bath I go to bed I go to sleep

6  I get up  I make my bed  I clean my teeth  I wash my hands and face  I have a shower  I get dressed  I have breakfast  I go to school  I start school at …..  I have lunch  I get up  I make my bed  I clean my teeth  I wash my hands and face  I have a shower  I get dressed  I have breakfast  I go to school  I start school at …..  I have lunch  I go home  I take a bus home  I go out with my friends  I play football  I do my homework  I work on a computer  I have dinner  I wash up  I watch TV  I have a bath  I go to bed to sleep  I go home  I take a bus home  I go out with my friends  I play football  I do my homework  I work on a computer  I have dinner  I wash up  I watch TV  I have a bath  I go to bed to sleep  IN THE MORNING  IN THE AFTERNOON + IN THE EVENING

7  He gets up  She makes the bed  He cleans his teeth  She washes her hands and face  He has a shower  She gets dressed  He has breakfast  She goes to school  He starts school at …..  She has lunch  He gets up  She makes the bed  He cleans his teeth  She washes her hands and face  He has a shower  She gets dressed  He has breakfast  She goes to school  He starts school at …..  She has lunch  She goes home  He takes a bus home  She goes out with her friends  He plays foootball  She does her homework  He works on a computer  She has dinner  He washes up  She watches TV  He has a bath  She goes to bed to sleep  She goes home  He takes a bus home  She goes out with her friends  He plays foootball  She does her homework  He works on a computer  She has dinner  He washes up  She watches TV  He has a bath  She goes to bed to sleep  IN THE MORNING  IN THE AFTERNOON + EVENING

8 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

9  WHEN ?  1. IN THE MORNING  2. IN THE AFTERNOON  3. IN THE EVENING  4. AT NIGHT WHAT TIME ?  AT SIX a.m. ?  AT FIVE p.m. ?  AT ONE O´ CLOCK  AT FOUR  AT ONE 1. 2. 3. 4.

10 What do you do ? 1. I sleep 2. We cook 3. I wake up 4. I put on my T-shirt 5. I read book 6. I go to school by bus 7. I help my mum 8. I go for a walk with my friends 9. We seesaw 10.I go to a dance club 11. We play games Where,when do you do it ?  at night.  in the kitchen.  at seven o´clock.  in my room.  in my bed.  at eight.  in the kitchen.  to the park in the afternoon.  in the garden after school.  in the afternoon.  at school.

11 I put on my blue jeans, my yellow T- shirt,my green sweater,my white socks,my brown trainers and my red hat.

12 I take off my red dress my pink shoes my white sweatshirt my blue jacket and my brown tights.

13  What time ?  What time do you get up?  When ?  When do you go to school ?  What do you do……. ?  What do you do in the afternoon ?  V kolik hodin ?  I get up at seven o´clock.  Kdy ?  I go to school at eight o´clock.  Co děláš ………. ?  I listen to music and go to the park.

14  Do you wash your hands every day ?  Do we take the bus to school ?  Do they watch TV in the afternoon ?  Do I do my homework regulary ? they watch… ?  DO we take … ? you wash … ? I do ….. ?  Does he go home at three o´clock ?  Does she work on a computer ?  Does it play music ?  Does he clean his teeth every morning ?  Does she have a shower ? he go …….. ?  DOES she work…. ? it play….. ?

15  What time do you have breakfast ?  When do we work on a computer ?  When do they go to bed ?  Where do you have lunch ?  Where do we watch TV ?  Where do they do your homework ?  I have breakfast at eight o´clock.  We work on a computer in the afternoon.  They go to bed at nine o´clock.  We have lunch in the dining room.  We watch TV in the living room.  They do their homework in the kidsroom.

16  When does he play football ?  Where does she take her shoes off ?  What time does he go to bed ?  When does the lesson start ?  When does he have dinner ?  Where does she wash up ?  He plays football in the afternoon. takes  She takes her shoes off in her bedroom.  He goes to bed at nine o´clock.  It starts at eleven o´clock.  He has dinner at six o´clock.  She washes up in the kitchen.

17  Pat gets up at seven a.m..  She has a shower in the bathroom  She puts on her clothes…  She has her breakfast …  She cleans her teeth…..  She puts on her shoes….  She goes to school by bus  The school starts at eight  She plays ball games …….  She has lunch at school….  She goes to a dance club…  The school ends at two  Pat goes home from school at three p.m..  She does her homework…  She helps her mother ….  She goes out with her….  She watches Tv in the ….  She has dinner at six p.m..  She has a bath……  She goes to bed at…….  She reads and then she goes to sleep. In the morningIn the afternoon

18 There are some new words from Pat´s day: Then - potom a.m. – dopoledne p.m. - odpoledne There are some new words from Pat´s day: Then - potom a.m. – dopoledne p.m. - odpoledne

19     íí vstávání  rann%C3%AD-vst%C3%A1v%C3%A1n%C3%AD/182912553237 rann%C3%AD-vst%C3%A1v%C3%A1n%C3%AD/182912553237  Pristresek+na+autobusove+zastavce+Sidliste+Vychod.aspx Pristresek+na+autobusove+zastavce+Sidliste+Vychod.aspx   obedvat-ve-skole&id=koprivnicke-noviny-koprivnice&clanek=7609 obedvat-ve-skole&id=koprivnicke-noviny-koprivnice&clanek=7609  

20    pravidelne-nezdrave/ pravidelne-nezdrave/  rozvinout-i-na-zaklade-nadmerneho-sledovani-televize.html rozvinout-i-na-zaklade-nadmerneho-sledovani-televize.html    hubnuti/32924-blanka-v-akci-z-parku-si-udelala-posilovnu hubnuti/32924-blanka-v-akci-z-parku-si-udelala-posilovnu  vareni-na-jitrni-je-velky-zajem/ vareni-na-jitrni-je-velky-zajem/  cz/images/results.aspx?qu=ch%C5%AFze#ai:MP900432947| cz/images/results.aspx?qu=ch%C5%AFze#ai:MP900432947|   mentexperts_seesawsteetertotters.html mentexperts_seesawsteetertotters.html

21  cooking-over-their-partners cooking-over-their-partners  cz/images/results.aspx?ex=2&qu=tanec#ai:MP900431119|mt:0| cz/images/results.aspx?ex=2&qu=tanec#ai:MP900431119|mt:0|   cz/images/results.aspx?ex=2&qu=slunce#ai:MP900407509|mt:0| cz/images/results.aspx?ex=2&qu=slunce#ai:MP900407509|mt:0|  cz/images/results.aspx?qu=slune%C4%8Dn%C3%AD%20svit#ai:MC9001 90839| cz/images/results.aspx?qu=slune%C4%8Dn%C3%AD%20svit#ai:MC9001 90839   do-skoly do-skoly  mother-s-cooking-over-their-partners mother-s-cooking-over-their-partners  cz/images/results.aspx?ex=2&qu=tanec#ai:MP900431119|mt:0| cz/images/results.aspx?ex=2&qu=tanec#ai:MP900431119|mt:0| 

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