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London Basic facts Places of interst Nature & Transport
NÁZEV ŠKOLY: Gymnázium Lovosice, Sady pionýrů 600/6 ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.1073 NÁZEV MATERIÁLU: VY_32_INOVACE_5B_15_London TÉMA SADY: Konverzační témata a specifická slovní zásoba z angličtiny ROČNÍK: oktáva/4.A DATUM VZNIKU: březen 2014 AUTOR: Mgr. Lucie Kučerová
Anotace tento výuková materiál slouží k prezentaci znalostí nutných ke zvládnutí konverzačního tématu London v angličtině a je určen pro interaktivní tabuli všechny snímky jsou opatřený animací, čímž vzniká prostor pro interakci studentů a komunikaci v angličtině vybrané lokace jsou v prezentaci ilustrovány fotografiemi, které se v některých případech objeví po kliknutí v okamžiku, kdy se o daném faktu hovoří v prezentaci; při následujícím kliknutí zase zmizí, aby nerušil v pokračování prezentace materiál obsahuje dva hypertextové odkazy na stránku; prvním je opatřen obrázek Big Benu v levém horním rohu snímku číslo devět a odkazuje na jeho zvonění; druhý je na konci prezentace a kliknutím na tlačítko “movie“ se objeví dokument o Londýně prezentace je uspořádána tak, aby vzniklo co nejvíce prostoru pro aktivní zapojení studentů do hodiny, jejich interakci a konverzaci v anglickém jazyce
Basic facts the capital of England, Great Britain, The United Kingdom, and The Commonwealth one of the most densely populated and biggest cities in Europe population of about 8 million South-East of England along the Thames River devided into 32 boroughs o The City of London, The City of Westminster, The West End, The East End, Docklands
History founded by the Romans on the 5th century AD Medieval London o the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, Saint Paul‘s Cathedral, London Bridge o 1665: The Great Plague o 1666: The Great Fire of London 19th century o electrification o underground railway o the Tower Bridge 20th century o WWII German bombings o 2005 terrorist attacks o 2012 Olympic Games
transportation system London undergroud – Tube o the world‘s first underground railway system for passangers o since 1863 typical red duble- decker buses old-fashioned black taxis - cabs
Parks cover almost one third of the city area “the lungs of London” Hyde Park o the largest one o Speaker‘s corner St. James‘s Park o one of the oldest o established in the 16 th century by Henry VII o borders Buckingham Palace Kensington Gardens, Regent‘s Park
Buckingham Palace “Buck House” a royal residence since 1837, when Queen Victoria started to reign marble and bronze Queen Victoria Monument in front of the palace the changing of the guards Tha Mall: the broad street leading to Buckingham Palace palace gardens at the back a wide range of artistic pieces inside and ouside the palace since 20th century opened to the public
Big Ben the large bell placed in the clok tower of the Houses of Parliament nicknamed in honour of Sir Benjamin Hall, who was responsible for the installation work the tower is almost 100 metres high the clock is believed to be one of the most accurate in the world one of the towers of the Houses of Parliament the tower is called Elizabeth Tower in honour of the Queen How much does the bell weigh? 13 tonnes How much does the clock lose in a year? About six tenths of a second.
Tower Bridge built between 1886 and 1894 named after the Tower of London that stands next to it a hydraulic mechanism can raise and lower the bridge in less than two minutes to permit the passage of high ships
St. Paul‘s Cathedral named after the patron saint of London built in the 6 th century after the Great Fire in 1666 recunstructed by Sir Christopher Wren nowadays second in size (after St Peter‘s in Rome)
The Tower Her Majesty‘s Royal Palace and Fortress on the UNESCO list of the World Herritage used to be the seat of the king and later on a prison for many important figures nowadays a museum that guards Crown Jewels Ravens o at least six to prevent the kingdom from falling Beefeaters o used to guide the prisoners and the Crown jewels o nowadays tourist guides
Westmistrer Abbey & London Eye Westminster Abbey o mainly gothic church in the City of Westminster o the traditional place for coronations, royal weddings and burials o a giant mausoleum London Eye o a giant wheel on the South bank of The Thames o 32 passange capsules o originally designed only for the year of 2000
Trafalgar Square & Piccadilly Circus Trafalgar Square o the name commemorates the Battle of Trafalgar o Nelson‘s Column named after Lord Nelson‘s victory over Napoleon at the Battle of Tralagar in 1805 Piccadilly Circus o a road junction in the City of Westminster o considered to be the centre of London o a monument with the statue of Eros o a huge board with illuminated signs
Galleries & Museums The National Gallery o on Trafalgar Square o one of the greatest collections in the world o paintings from Early Renaissance to Postmodernism The Tate Modern o international modern art o originally a power station o opened in 2000 British Museum o art, archeology, antiquities from all over the world Natural History Museum expositions of geology, botany, zoology, paleolontogy
Zdroje obrázků TIWARI, Ansul. [online]. [cit. 25.2.2014]. Dostupný na WWW: TRIMMING, Peter. [online]. [cit. 25.2.2014]. Dostupný na WWW: _1281945.jpg?uselang=cs APRINGSTONE. [online]. [cit. 25.2.2014]. Dostupný na WWW: DILIFF. [online]. [cit. 25.2.2014]. Dostupný na WWW:,_London_-_April_2009.jpg PEEL, Mike. [online]. [cit. 25.2.2014]. Dostupný na WWW:,_London.jpg?uselang=cs DILIFF. [online]. [cit. 25.2.2014]. Dostupný na WWW:,_London_2_-_Jun_2009.jpg,_London_2_-_Jun_2009.jpg KIAHSU. [online]. [cit. 25.2.2014]. Dostupný na WWW: NEZNÁMÝ. [online]. [cit. 25.2.2014]. Dostupný na WWW: %BA%CE%BF%CF%82 TRAN, Kham. [online]. [cit. 25.2.2014]. Dostupný na WWW: BARRETT, Jimmy. [online]. [cit. 25.2.2014]. Dostupný na WWW: SHEA. [online]. [cit. 25.2.2014]. Dostupný na WWW:,_UC_Davis.jpg?uselang=cs,_UC_Davis.jpg?uselang=cs Galerie MS Office, včetně webu
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