2014 PROKARYOTIC CELL Výukový materiál MB Tvůrce: Mgr. Šárka Vopěnková Tvůrce anglické verze: ThMgr. Ing. Jiří Foller Projekt: S anglickým jazykem do dalších předmětů Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.1.36/ Tento projekt je spolufinancován ESF a SR ČR
created by only one unseparated part (compartment) the compartment is enclosed with the plasmatic membrane the compartment is filled with the cytosol PROKARYOTIC CELL
the nucleus of the prokaryotic cell : not enclosed with nuclear membrane it contains only double helix circular DNA = nucleotid circular DNA represents only circular chromosome PROKARYOTIC CELL
the cell reproduces by transverse partitioning > into two daughter cells the cell is covered with cell wall: the main element of the cell wall is peptidoglycan in the cytosol there are ribosomes – the synthesis of proteins is proceeded here one or more flagella > hollow screw-shaped threads PROKARYOTIC CELL
a simple type of the cell prokaryota are unicellular organisms (bacteria, cyanophyta, mycoplasmata) size: 1-2 µm cytoplasm poor in membrane organelles only photosynthesis doing cyanophyta have biomembranes = thylakoids they create neither differentiated tissues nor textures
PROKARYOTIC CELL plentiful ribosomes > several thousands in a cell prokaryotic ribosomes are smaller than eukaryotic ribosomes cell inclusions are frequent here they have not got miotic apparatus (partitioning spindles) they have not got mitochondria ! material store: acid beta-hydroxybutyric, glycogen and volutin they reproduce asexually, by transverse division
PROKARYOTIC CELL 4 always present structures: NUCLEOID ribosomes cytoplasmic membrane cell wall + cytoplasm
NUCLEOID core equivalent not enclosed by any covering laid loosely in the cytosol prokaryotic chromosome is 1000 times longer organized in loops one chromosome = one DNA >> genes pass in the unchanged form into the daughter cells haploid prokaryotic cells circular = cyclic >> it has not got free endings
PLASMIDS small circular, double helix DNA molecules = plasmids they carry additional, not necessary information they penetrate excellently through the membrane and pass from one cell into another = bearers of new genes into a cell (use in genetic engineering) they can sometimes bear enormously important genetic information (e.g. gene for resistance against antibiotics) they bear genes enabling the conjugations of bacteria
CYTOPLASMIC MEMBRANE function : it separates the only part of the cell it releases energy from organic substances!!!! it isolates internal environment from the external it is semipermeable smooth but it also makes spurs = invagination of the membrane – on those grooves respiratory chain green bacteria have bacteriochlorophyll here
CELL WALL the only tight structure of the prokaryotic cell it consists of peptidoglycan above the wall there can also be a casing from proteins or polysaccharides
CYTOPLASM very viscous concentrated solution cytoplasm is not divided into compartments it misses organelles typical for eucaryotic cells
different from eukaryotic flagellum in both the composition and in the function a hollow formation protein flagellin it is anchored in the cytoplasmic membrane and cell wall – > rotary movement of the flagellum energy for the movement of the flagellum - without ATP !!!! FLAGELLUM
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