The world of work Název školyGymnázium Zlín - Lesní čtvrť Číslo projektuCZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Název projektuRozvoj žákovských kompetencí pro 21. století Název šablonyIII/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Název DUMThe world of work Označení DUMVY_32_INOVACE_09_1_15 AutorMgr. Markéta Opluštilová Datum Vzdělávací oblastJazyk a jazyková komunikace Vzdělávací oborAnglický jazyk Tematický okruhŽivotní styl Ročník ročník gymnázia
Compound words Choose a suitable word to complete the compound word in each gap. 1.In some countries parents are allowed to take ___________ leave to take care of their children. 2.When you fall ill you do not get a salary but _______ pay. 3.She is now on maternity __________ with her first baby. 4.When you are ________ employed you can organize your own time. 5.________ pay is the money that you actually take home after all deductions from your gross salary. 6.The company is now offering some positions for highly _________ workers. sick self unpaid net leave skilled unpaid sick leave self Net skilled
Word formation Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the brackets. 1.Try to ask for help in a _____________ (recruit) agency if you cannot find a job. 2.Her ____________ (promote) to project manager suprised everybody. 3.Several ___________ (employ) were made redundant during the financial crisis. 4.Life ___________ (insure) is among the benefits provided by our firm. 5.Looking for new customers is one of her most important ______________ (responsible). 6.I think you should not hesitate and send in your ____________ (apply) for the job. recruitment promotion employees insurance responsibilities application
Target vocabulary questions Complete the questions with the correct expressions and answer them. 1.What jobs are ____________ (dobře placené) in our country? What jobs are _____________(špatně placené)? 2.What do you think is the average _______________(nástupní plat)? 3.Do your parents sometimes have to _____________(pracovat přesčas)? 4.How long is the ____________ (zkušební doba) in most jobs? 5.Have you ever had an interview with a ___________________ (personalista)? 6.Have you ever worked ___________(na částečný úvazek)? 7.What are the advantages and disadvantages of being _____________(na volné noze)? well paid poorly paid starting salary work overtime trial period personnel manager part time self-employed
Discussion 1.What sort of job would you like to do in the future? What job would you definitely not like to have? 2.What advice would you give to a person who is going for a job interview? 3.What questions can you be asked at a job interview? 4.Do you think it is more important to make a lot of money or enjoy your job? 5.Is it a good idea for students to have part-time or summer jobs? 6.Would you ever do voluntary / unpaid work? 7.Should people who are on the dole do unpaid community service? 8.What do you think may be some reasons for firing an employee?