Střední odborná škola a Střední odborné učiliště Horky nad Jizerou 35 Registrační číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Předmět:Anglický jazyk Ročník:1.-4. Téma: Všeobecná konverzační témata Vypracoval: Mgr. M. Ročejdlová Materiál: VY_32_INOVACE_79 Datum: Anotace: Education Obor: M/02 Cestovní ruch L/01 Gastronomie
Education Is it important to be educated?
Czech education system 1) Compulsory education2) Secondary school education -primary school- vocational school X grammar school Age: 6-15Age: year graduation courses 4-year graduation courses 3) University studies Age: get degree Vocabulary: studentpractical trainingattend school pupilschool reportmaturita exam apprenticepeer/ school mateapprenticeship certificate
British education system -compulsory education: age 5-16 (primary + basic secondary education) -at the age of 16 they can go to work or study further Exams: GCSE (at 16) A-level GCE (at 18) - if you want to study at the university you need to pass A-level exam -students wear uniform Famous universities: Oxford, Cambridge
Education in the USA Elementary school Age: 6-11 Secondary school - junior (age:11-14) - senior (age:14-18) University studies Age: 18+ -if you want to go to a university, you need to pass the SAT test Famous universities: Harvard, Yale, Princeton
Evaluation Find 3 similarities and differences among the education systems of the Czech republic, United Kingdom and USA.