Water – 9.ročník Základní škola Jakuba Jana Ryby Rožmitál pod Třemšínem Efektivní výuka pro rozvoj potenciálu žáka projekt v rámci Operačního programu VZDĚLÁVÁNÍ PRO KONKURENCESCHOPNOST
Water verbs in a house forms areas animals
the common colourless liquid that comes down from the sky as rain, or is in rivers and seas etc. to give water to plants or flowers WATER
verbs water drink pour have a shower zalévat pít nalévat sprchovat se
verbs have a bath spill wash be showering koupat se rozlít mýt, umýt postříkat
??? to take liquid, such as water, into your body through your mouth to clean with water drink wash to make a liquid flow somewhere pour
??? to pour out by accident to wash your body in a bath spill to wash your body with a shower have a bath have a shower
FORMS ice rain steam water led déšť pára voda
??? frozen water to fall from the sky in the form of little drops of water ice rain water in the form of gas; the gas produced by boiling water steam
AREAS river sea stream lake pond řeka moře potok jezero rybník
??? a large stream of water that is flowing across the land into the sea a large area of water surrounded by land river lake a large body of salty water, smaller and not as dep as an ocean sea
In the house bath shower basin tap hot/cold vana sprcha umyvadlo kohoutek horká/studená
Water (9.ročník) Použitý software: držitel licence – ZŠ J. J. Ryby v Rožmitále p.Tř. Windows XP Professional Zoner - České kliparty 1, 2, 3 Obrázky z internetu Internetové stránky: Autor: Linda Berková ZŠ J.J.Ryby v Rožmitále p.Tř. (