Úvodní snímek – název a jméno Osnova prezentace Obrázky a grafy Závěr, prostor pro otázky, poděkování, shrnutí Vhodný slide na závěr – dlouho se na něj kouká
Optimalizujeme velikost písma i velikost polí pro písmo a pro obrázky a tabulky Nepíšeme hrubky a překlepy Jsme jednotní ve stylu písma, barev, animací… Pokud chceme něco složitějšího – př.video, flash – musíme se připravit
Sledujeme posluchače, nikoliv okno, zem, obrazovku Nečteme slidy - mluvíme plynule, pomalu a sami 95% úspěchu spočívá v tom, jak artikulujeme a jak vypadáme, než obsah Dodržíme čas – 1slide=1 minuta
Version 3.03 of Adobe SVG Viewer is an update provided by Adobe to fix a potential secuirty risk on Windows® computers. In addition, the ActiveX control has been signed in order to allow users to avoid the ActiveX security warning introduced with Windows XP Security Pack 2. Adobe SVG Viewer 3.03 addresses a potential security risk in the ActiveX control whereby a malicious web page could determine whether or not a file with a particular name exists on the user's computer. The contents of the file could not be viewed via this vulnerability, and directory listings could not be obtained. Adobe is not aware of any malicious exploit of this potential security risk, but we are grateful to Hyperdose Security for bringing this potential security risk to our attention. Adobe SVG Viewer 3.03 also includes the fixes provided in Adobe SVG Viewer 3.02.Hyperdose Security Adobe SVG Viewer 3.02 Version 3.02 of Adobe SVG Viewer is an update provided by Adobe to fix a potential secuirty risk on Windows computers, and to fix a bug in the installer which prevented installation on some Windows XP systems. Adobe SVG Viewer 3.02 addresses a potential security risk in libpng described by CERT vulnerability Please see the CERT vulnerability note for details. Adobe SVG Viewer 3.02 also includes the fixes provided in Adobe SVG Viewer 3.01.CERT vulnerability Adobe SVG Viewer 3.01 Version 3.01 of Adobe SVG Viewer is an update provided by Adobe to fix potential security risks on Windows computers. Adobe SVG Viewer 3.01 addresses one potential security risk by disabling SVG scripts if you disable ActiveScripting in Internet Explorer. This security risk only affects customers who browse the Web on Windows computers in Internet Explorer with ActiveScripting disabled. By default, ActiveScripting is enabled, so most users are not currently at risk. Because of the way that the HTML OBJECT tag is implemented in Internet Explorer, Adobe SVG Viewer 3.01 cannot determine the URL of a file embedded with the OBJECT tag. The URL is required to determine the security zone, which is required to determine the state of the ActiveScripting setting. Therefore, to fail safe against this potential security flaw Adobe SVG Viewer 3.01 always disables scripting when it determines that the SVG file is embedded using the OBJECT tag. When authoring in SVG, Adobe recommends that you not use the OBJECT tag and instead use the EMBED tag when embedding SVG in HTML pages. Adobe SVG Viewer 3.01 also includes a fix for a potential security risk involving the JavaScript alert call when used in conjunction with JavaScript executing in another thread. It was possible for an SVG document to pop up an alert dialog while another script in the HTML document changed the location of the window to a private domain. When the original script regained control it would have been able to access private domains and potentially send protected information to a remote machine.
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