Anotace Materiál je určen pro výuku anglického jazyka ve 4. ročníku ZŠ pomocí hry Riskuj. Slouží k opakování slovní zásoby herní formou. Žáci jsou rozděleni do družstev, vybírají si tematický okruh a hodnotu otázky .Za správnou odpověď získávají body. Použité zdroje: učebnice Chit Chat 2 Paul Shipton, Oxford http://office.Microsoft.com
Domestic animals Wildlife animals Clothes Sports Musical instruments 100 200 300 400 Wildlife animals 100 200 300 400 Clothes 100 200 300 400 In the town 100 200 300 400 Sports 100 200 300 400 Musical instruments 100 200 300 400 Weather 100 200 300 400 On holiday 100 200 300 400
What’s this? 1. It’s a dog. back
What’s this? 2. It’s a cow. back
What’s this? 3. It‘s a rabbit. back
4. What’s this? It’s a horse. back
What’s this? 5. It’s a bear. back
6. What’s this? It’s a monkey. back
7. What’s this? It’s a giraffe. back
8. What’s this? It’s a rhino. back
What’s this? 9. It’s a skirt. back
What’s this? 10. It’s a shirt. back
What’s this? 11. It’s a jacket. back
12. What’s this? It’s a tie. back
What’s this? 13. It’s a town. back
14. What’s this? It’s a village. back
15. What’s this? It’s a statue. back
What’s this? 16. It’s a swimming pool. back
17. What is he doing? He’s swimming. back
What is she doing? 18. She’s diving. back
What is she doing? 19. She’s running. back
20. What is she doing? She’s skipping. back
21. What’s this? It’s a guitare. back
What’s this? 22. It’s a drum. back
23. What’s this? It’s a piano. back
24. What’s this? It’s a violin. back
What’s the weather like? 25. What’s the weather like? It’s sunny. back
What’s the weather like? 26. It’s windy. back
What’s the weather like? 27. It’s raining. back
What’s the weather like? 28. It’s cold. back
What is she doing? 29. She is dancing. back
30. What is he doing? He is reading. back
What is he doing? 31. He is drinking. back
What is she doing? 32. She is writing. back