VY_32_INOVACE_Sei_III_04 Describing people Název projektu: OP VK 1.4.72038519 Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.2952 OP Vzdělání pro konkurenceschopnost 1.4. Zlepšení podmínek pro vzdělávání na základních školách Autor materiálu: Šárka Seidelmannová
Datum vytvoření: 30. 9. 2011 Předmět: anglický jazyk Ročník: devátý Anotace: po ověření učiva si žáci rozšíří slovní zásobu a budou umět použít výrazy k popisu člověka.
Describing people
Her hair is long, dark and straight Describing people - appearance Her hair is long, dark and straight He´s got a scar He´s bald. He´s got a big nose. He´s got a moustache He´s got a beard
Describing people: general description How tall are they? How much do they weigh? He´s tall He´s short He´s slim. He´s overweight
You can be average height and average weight. How does he look like? He´s tall,broad-shoulder and strong. He´s not tall, slim and week
- honest - friendly - intelligent - clever - smart - gorgeous - reliable - responsible - quiet - cheerful - popular - helpful - careful - serious - shy - scared Vocabulary - tall/short - slim/fat - broad – shoulder - thick/thin - well – built - overweight - attractive - pretty - beautiful - nice - handsome - good-looking - plain
He´s well-build, gorgeous and handsome. He´s good-looking and he´s got blond hair. She´s plain, her hair is short, light brown and straight.
Describing people - character He´s scared. She´s nice and cheerful. He´s intelligent. They are friendly. He´s shy.
Describe these people in the pictures. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Now describe your school mate – appearance and character. Ask questions your school mate: - high and weight … - build … - appearance: hair, eyes, face … - image: attractive, handsome, beautiful… - character: calm, alive, shy, … - clothes, chiffon,…
Zdroj: -Project plus – Student´s book, Work Book, Tom Hutchinson, Oxford University - Terasoft, Greenstreet, multilicenční verze