Reálie anglicky mluvících zemí ŠKOLA: Gymnázium, Chomutov, Mostecká 3000, příspěvková organizace AUTOR: Radka Fuchsová NÁZEV: VY_32_INOVACE_04C4_British system of government TEMA: Reálie anglicky mluvících zemí - ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0816 DATUM TVORBY: 2.5. 2013
Anotace V první části se žáci s využitím prezentace v programu Microsoft Powerpoint buď formou hlasitého čtení nebo prezentace učitele seznámí se základními fakty o systému vlády ve Velké Británii. Získané informace si následně zopakují a procvičí ve druhé části (dokument v programu MicrosoftWord), kdy na tabuli s pomocí digitálního pera nebo fixou doplňují do vět chybějící údaje. Třetí část DUM tvoří klíč ke druhé části, kde si žáci kontrolují správnost doplněných údajů, popřípadě může řešení sloužit jen pro potřeby učitele. DUM je určen pro 3.– 4. ročník čtyřletého, popř. víceletého gymnázia, úroveň Intermediate. Materiál je určen k interaktivní výuce.
Constitution unwritten based on statuses, documents, case law, customs, conventions two main principles – the rule of law - the supremacy of parliament
Seperation of powers Legislative power (The Houses of Parliament) Executive power (The Government) Judiciary power (The Court of Justice)
The Monarch formal head of the state Commander-in-chief of the armed forces Governor of the Church of England reigns but does not rule important ceremonial events, meetings with Prime Minister, with foreign leaders, appoints ambassadors, opens the sessions of Parliament
The Legislature (Parliament) The Sovereign The House of Lords The House of Commons The Sovereign formally summons and dissolves Parliament, opens annual sessions – speech from the throne
Palace of Westminster
The House of Commons 650 MPs representing a geographical area Front benchers – leaders of the Government and Opposition Back benchers – supporters – sit behind The Speaker - the main presiding MP the main function – to legislate
The House of Lords Lord Chancellor - presiding the House Lords Spiritual - representing the Church of England (2 archbishops, 24 bishops) Lords Temporal - Hereditary peers – 92 (reduced esp. by reforms of Tony Blair) - Life peers – appointed by the monarch on advice of PM number is not fixed, in 2012 – 775 members
House of Commons
House of Lords
The Executive The Prime Minister – the leader of the winning party in a general election asked by the Sovereign to recommend a group of ministers to form the Government (the Cabinet) a political convention – to act as a single man the Shadow Cabinet – formed by the main opposition party
Elections the right to vote – every British citizen over 18 (except e.g. members of the Royal Family) candidate must be over 21 General elections – at least every 5 years
Political parties Conservative Party – established in 1830s, - the right wing party - originally the party of the Church, aristocracy, supported by business interests Labour Party - established in 1892 - the left wing party - represents rather workers, social / lower class, associated with Trade Unions
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