Tento Digitální učební materiál vznikl díky finanční podpoře EU- OP Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost. Není –li uvedeno jinak, je tento materiál zpracován Mgr. Jitkou Janíčkovou MY PET
http://www. roythezebra. com/reading-games/words-that-rhyme-with-et http://www.roythezebra.com/reading-games/words-that-rhyme-with-et.html bonkers.uk.com
thefeltsource.com http://www.wikisaber.es/Contenidos/LObjects/Espresso/modules/e2_everyday_english/vocabulary/fruit.html
NEW WORDS pet fish budgie mouse pet cat dog zazzle.com,wallvinil.cz,supercoloring.com,paulnoll.com,englishexercises.org http://www.roythezebra.com/reading-games/words-that-rhyme-with-at.html
WHO IS IT? budgie fish cat mouse dog http://www.ceip-diputacio.com/IDIOMA/activities/swf/swf%20vocabulary/animals[1].swf zazzle.com,wallvinil.cz,supercoloring.com,paulnoll.com,englishexercises.org
flai laik ken gud džamp ran swim laiks like - jako fly - létat can - moci, umět good–dobrý, dobře jump - skákat run - běhat likes - má rád,ráda, rádo...(zvíře) swim - plavat http://www.wikisaber.es/Contenidos/LObjects/Espresso/modules/e2_everyday_english/vocabulary/vegetables.html
My name is Paul. I have got a fish. It is yellow and red. http://www.roythezebra.com/reading-games/singular-or-plural-2.html vyletyprodeti.cz
My name is Kate. I have got a cat. It is brown and white. http://www.roythezebra.com/reading-games/sentences-that-make-sense-2-2.html supercoloring.com
My name is Dan. I have got a mouse. It is grey. http://www.roythezebra.com/reading-games/capital-letter-beginner-5.html wallvinil.cz
My name is Kim. I have got a budgie. It is orange. http://www.roythezebra.com/reading-games/capital-letter-5.html i-creative.cz
en. islcollective. com,englishexpaulnoll. com,ercises en.islcollective.com,englishexpaulnoll.com,ercises.org,supercoloring.com,qipinka.blog.cz,predskolaci.czzsujezd.blog.cz
water swim run ham cat jump apples fly My is big. It likes . It can . My is small. fish water swim mouse cheese run ham cat jump budgie apples fly http://www.wikisaber.es/Contenidos/LObjects/espresso_vocab/index.html
pet colour likes can cat black and white fish jump dog brown ham run budgie yellow fruit fly orange and white water swim http://www.wikisaber.es/Contenidos/LObjects/espresso_vocab/index.html
The cat is black and white . It can .It likes . The dog The fish The budgie jump fish is brown. It likes ham. It can run. is orange and white. It likes water. It can swim. is yellow. It likes fruit. It can fly. http://www.wikisaber.es/Contenidos/LObjects/espresso_vocab/index.html
A budgie can . A fish can . A cat can . A mouse can . swim fly run jump A budgie can . A fish can . A cat can . A mouse can . fly swim jump run http://www.thekidzpage.com/learninggames/spotthedifference/gingerbread.swf