Art Gymnázium a Jazyková škola s právem státní jazykové zkoušky Zlín Tematická oblast Angličtina: The USA Datum vytvoření Ročník , sexta – oktáva, B1 Stručný obsah Základní fakta o umění a umělcích v USA Způsob využití Snímky seznamují se základními informacemi o umělcích a uměleckém dění v USA, prezentují nejznámější díla, ale taky některé pozoruhodnosti. Jsou doprovázeny fotografiemi. V průběhu kontrolní otázka a odpověď. Autor Mgr. Terezie Kasálková Kód VY_22_INOVACE_02_AKAL32
The beginnings Early American art consists of history paintings and portraits Who is in the picture? Edward Savage: The Washington Family (end of 18th century)
Nineteenth century Several important painters who are considered American spent much of their lives in Europe, for example James Whistler, and John Sargent They were influenced by French Impressionists James Whistler: The Artist´s mother (1871) Known from the film: Bean: The Ultimate Disaster Movie
Pop art Trend of 1960s brought into art pop(ular) everyday objects like advertisements, films, cartoons Roy Lichtenstein Used comic strips for his huge oil paintings /File:Roy_Lichtenstein_Dro wning_Girl.jpg /File:Roy_Lichtenstein_Dro wning_Girl.jpg Andy Warhol Made paintings of iconic American objects /File:Warhol- Campbell_Soup-1- screenprint-1968.jpg /File:Warhol- Campbell_Soup-1- screenprint-1968.jpg
Traditional versus modern Tony Smith : Free ride lCompare and contrast these two objects of art. Give your opinion. Totem Haida
The art of comics First superhero appeared in 1938, it was the Superman, who inspired many others Later, heroes became more realistic, with everyday worries, e.g. Spiderman or Batman Humorous comics about modern world are becoming popular on the Internet
Museums Museums of art are often architectural masterpieces Dallas, Texas Miami, Florida Stairs in Chicago, Illinois New York, New York
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