Název školy: Základní škola a Mateřská škola, Hradec Králové, Úprkova 1 Autor: Mgr. Medková Blanka Název: VY_32_INOVACE_4C_14_London (14) Téma: 4C_Aj 7.tř.


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Název školy: Základní škola a Mateřská škola, Hradec Králové, Úprkova 1 Autor: Mgr. Medková Blanka Název: VY_32_INOVACE_4C_14_London (14) Téma: 4C_Aj 7.tř. Datum ověření: VM ověřen dne ve třídě 7. A,B Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/ Anotace: DUM je určen k rozvíjení schopnosti číst v cizím jazyce, což je velmi přínosné při učení jazyka – žáci se naučí nová slova, jejichž obsah odhadnou mnohdy i z kontextu, uvidí mnoho gramatických frází, struktur. Cílem tohoto DUMU je podpořit žáky ve schopnosti číst plynule autentický anglický text. Současně se seznámí s hlavním městem Velké Británie, konkrétně se spisovateli. Tento materi á l byl vytvořen r á mci projektu EU pen í ze š kol á m Operačn í ho programu Vzděl á v á n í pro konkurenceschopnost

London between the Pages London is a great city for book-lovers. There are a lot of bookshops on Charing Cross Road. Many famous writers lived in and wrote about the city.

Samuel Pepys Samuel Pepys wrote about life in the city in the 1600s. His work tells us about the Great Fire of London in 1666.

Dr Samuel Johnson He wrote about the English language and many other things. Johnson wrote these famous words about his home city:“When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.“

Jane Austen Jane Austen lived in London for a short time. She loved to go shopping in Bond Street.

Charles Dickens Charles Dickens was the famous writer in Victorian England. Many of his books are about London.

Charles Dickens When Dickens was a child, his family had no money. He had to work. Later, he wanted to make the city a better place.

Charles Dickens In his book Oliver Twist, young Oliver has a very bad time on the streets of Victorian London.

George Bernard Shaw He lived in a house in Bloomsbury. Later, Virginia Woolf lived in the same house. E M Foster and many other writers met at this house.

Arthur Conan Doyle He wrote the first Sherlock Holmes story in 1891 and he gave the great detective an address in the city. There really is a 22 l b Baker Street. There is also a Sherlock Holmes museum in the street.

George Orwell He wrote his most famous book, 1984, about a London of the future. Orwell also wrote about difficult lives in the city in his book Down and out in London and Paris.

Martin Amis (born 1949) He gives a good picture of London life in the 1980s in his book Money. London is important in a lot of his books.

Zadie Smith (born 1973) She wrote about the lives of British Asians in London now in her book White Teeth. London is always changing, and today´s writers show readers the new faces of the city.

London between the Pages Many famous books for children are about London. In J M Barrie´s book, Peter Pan flies over the buildings of London. In P L Travers´s book, Mary Poppins also flies over London!

Použití zdroje: SHIPTON, Vicky. London. Essex: Pearson Education Ltd, 2008, ISBN Citace: Anotace: Tento materi á l byl vytvořen r á mci projektu EU pen í ze š kol á m Operačn í ho programu Vzděl á v á n í pro konkurenceschopnost