Název školy Gymnázium, střední odborná škola, střední odborné učiliště a vyšší odborná škola, Hořice Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Název materiálu VY_22_INOVACE_ The USA – Industry and Agriculture Autor Mgr. Dušan Dovičovič Tematická oblast English Speaking Countries Ročník třetí Datum tvorby Srpen 2013 Anotace Materiál je určen k získání základních informací o průmyslu a zemědělství v USA. Metodický pokyn Prezentaci je možno využít k výkladu látky.
Economy the USA has a capitalist mixed economy it is the largest importer of goods and the second largest exporter oil is the largest import comodity and transportation equipment is the largest export national currency is the U.S. dollar (USD)
Economy New York Stock Exchange on Wall Street is the largest stock exchange in the world New York is the world’s largest financial centre US economy is the sixth largest economy in the world very important for the US economy is high productivity and natural resources
New York Stock Exchange
Industry the most important industry is chemical industry the car and aircraft industry are the second most important industry world famous producer of vehicles are General Motors or Ford and Boeing of aircrafts other industries are: pharmaceutical, machinery, electronics, food-proceeding, IT technology
Lincoln MKS
Agriculture most important is the production of corn, soybeans,peanuts, oats, rye, wheat, rice, cotton, barley and tabacoo important is also cattle, pork and poultry breeding fishing industry is partly reduced
Natural Resources natural resources are very important for the USA’s industry the USA is rich in number of natural resources including coal, sulfur, salt, zinc, magnesium, iron ore and titanium oil and natural gas are the most important natural resources for the US industry