NÁZEV ŠKOLY:Základní škola T. G. Masaryka, Bojkovice, okres Uherské Hradiště AUTOR:Mgr. Miloš Barták NÁZEV:World records - quiz TÉMATICKÝ CELEK:Produktivní řečové dovednosti ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:CZ.1.07/1.4.00/
1. What is the largest lake in the world? a) Caspian Sea b) Michigan c) Baikal
2. What is the deepest lake in the world? a) Loch Ness b) Victoria c) Baikal
3. What is the largest country in the world? a) Russia b) Canada c) Australia
4. What is the largest desert in the world? a) Gobi b) Kalahari c) Sahara
5. What is the highest waterfall in the world? a) Niagara (Canada / USA) b) Angel (Venezuela) c) Tugela (South Africa)
6. What is the highest mountain in Europe? a) Mount Everest b) Mont Blanc c) Grossglockner
7. What is the oldest republic in the world? a) Greece b) Egypt c) San Marino
8. What is the highest building in the world? a) Burj Dubai b) Eiffel Tower c) Taipei 101
9. What is the fastest train in the world? a) Pendolino b) TGV c) Shinkansen
10. What is the second biggest city in the Czech Republic? a) Ostrava b) Brno c) Prague
The right solution : 1.a = Caspian Sea 2.c = Baikal 3.a = Russia 4.c = Sahara 5.b = Angel 6. b = Mont Blanc 7. c = San Marino 8. a = Burj Dubai 9. c = Shinkansen 10. b = Brno
Zdroje obrázků – str. 1: Loch Nesshttp://maps.google.cz/maps?hl=cs&ie=UTF-8&tab=wl desert+%25281%2529.jpghttp://4.bp.blogspot.com/-MVkNy0njNgw/Td7CEmI6pBI/AAAAAAAAilM/KPM1Ho7dXtE/s1600/gobi- desert+%25281%2529.jpg
Zdroje obrázků – str 2: