Global Climate Changes Tomáš Jelen, Lukáš Zíka, David Beran
Summary 1. Introduction – Climatology 2. Main factors affecting global climate 3. Interesting periods of time in history Greenhouse hypothesis Hockey stick graph controversy 4. Global warming influences in world economics 5. Conclusion 6.Sources 7.Images
1. Introducion Climatology Studies long-term conditions and global and general effects of all meteorological processes on Earth Complexly observes the development of climate long time in the past Guesses, how climate will look in the future
2.1. Milankovich cycles E – Eccentricity – years T – Axial Tilt – years P – Precession – years img Main factors affecting global climate
Due to the ocean currents, the differences between temperatures around the Earth are smaller. Warm and cold water streams provide the heat exchange between various parts of Earth img. 3 img Ocean currents
2.3 Solar activity Solar radiation intensity is not constant Eleven-year solar cycle img. 4
Greenhouse gases are keeping the Earth‘s IR radiation from going back to space Thanks to this heating, Earth is 14°C warmer CO 2 CH 4 H 2 O img Greenhouse effect
3. Interesting periods of time in history About years ago the last Ice age ended Since then warmer and colder periods: CO 2 concentration was between 250 and 280 ppm img. 6
Holocene Climatic Optimum (6000 – 5000 bc) ◦Warmest period civilised human race remembers ◦Egyptian empire was founded Medieval Warm Period (850 – 1300 ac) ◦Vikings colonized Greenland, calling it „green“ land ◦English grew grapevine, Czech grew watermelons Little Ice Age ( ac) ◦The river of Thames got frozen quite regularly ◦Period of hunger and suffering
Greenhouse hypothesis „Rising percentage of CO 2 Rising temperature on Earth“ Never proved Doesn‘t match with with temperature anomalies in past 1500 years Now: 380 ppm concentration CO 2 Complicated dependence CO 2 – temperature
Hockey stick graph controversy M. Mann, corrected, earlier inappropriate methods used and data changed/missed Original graph is still used by media img. 7 img. 8
4. Global warming influences in world economics Construction of wind and solar power stations Expensive researches and actions Different markets in Europe and Asia Artificial problem? Climate changes and Václav Klaus
5. Conclusion Yes, the Earth is warming now ◦Glaciers melting, … But, the temperature has always been changing somehow ◦Lots of reasons, not only CO 2 Positive consequences ◦People starting to care about nature and to realise that mankind won‘t survive without nature
6. Sources (Keywords: Globální oteplování, Globální stmívání, Malá doba ledová, Středověké klimatické optimum, Skleníkový efekt) (Keywords: Little ice age, Medieval warm period, Holocene Cllimatic optimum) pro-nic-fw1-/p_veda.asp?c=A080319_204955_p_veda_wag pro-nic-fw1-/p_veda.asp?c=A080319_204955_p_veda_wag /p_veda.asp?c=A091125_174528_p_veda_wag /p_veda.asp?c=A091125_174528_p_veda_wag globalnim-oteplovanim-pravdu_46960.html globalnim-oteplovanim-pravdu_46960.html mcintyre-gets-props/ mcintyre-gets-props/
7. Images 7. Images img. 1 MilankovitchCycles.jpghttp:// MilankovitchCycles.jpg img. 2 img. 3 Pangea_animation_03.gif Pangea_animation_03.gif img. 4 img. 5 img. 6 img. 7 img. 8 wpd3b451b8_0f.jpghttp:// wpd3b451b8_0f.jpg Thank you for your attention! Tomáš Jelen, Lukáš Zíka, David Beran