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Indirect Questions Autor: Mgr. Kateřina Kozlová Předmět Inovace výuky na Gymnáziu Otrokovice formou DUMů CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0488 120. srpna 2013.

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Prezentace na téma: "Indirect Questions Autor: Mgr. Kateřina Kozlová Předmět Inovace výuky na Gymnáziu Otrokovice formou DUMů CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0488 120. srpna 2013."— Transkript prezentace:

1 Indirect Questions Autor: Mgr. Kateřina Kozlová Předmět Inovace výuky na Gymnáziu Otrokovice formou DUMů CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0488 120. srpna 2013

2 Notice the differencies and work out the grammar rules of indirect questions Direct questions Where are you from? How old is your brother? Can you speak Spanish? Does your mum like her job? Indirect questions Can you tell me where you are from? I´d like to know how old your brother is. May I ask if you can speak Spanish? I wonder whether your mum likes her job. 20. srpna 20132

3 Grammar rules of indirect questions The sentence begins a) with a polite question like: May I ask…? Can you tell me… ? b) with structures like: I´d like to know… I wonder… I have no idea… It is followed with a) a question word (Can you tell me where… I´d like to know how old… b) conjunction if or whether The word order is the same as in affirmative sentences: subject + verb 20. srpna 20133

4 I Make indirect questions using these structures: I wonder…, I have no idea…, I really want to know…, Can you tell me…, May I ask…, Do you happen to know…, We´d like to know… What time do the lessons start? How much is the bus ticket to Zlín? Is there a car park near here? Have you ever ridden a camel? Did you get many presents at Christmas? Who is your best friend? Will we live in the Moon in the 22nd century? When was the Great Wall of China built? h.m. the bust ticket is if/wether there is a car park if/wether you have ever ridden if/wether you got Who your best friend is if/wether wi will live when the Great Wall of China was built what time the lessons start 20. srpna 20134

5 II Make indirect questions about the missing information. 1)The American film Amadeus was directed by …………. 2)There are ………… (number) official languages in India. 3)The UN was established on …………. 4)………… (city) is called the cradle of jazz. 5)Andy Warhol was a famous American representative of pop art. His parents came from …………. 6)The Rolling Stones have been playing since …………. 7)Chuck Norris is involved in a lawsuit with NBC because …………. 8)Tamariki means children in ………… language. 9)The Hawaiian Islands were discovered by ………… in 1778. 10)The 2016 Summer Olympics will take place in …………. 20. srpna 20135

6 KEY - Make indirect questions about the missing information. 1)The American film Amadeus was directed by Miloš Forman. 2)There are 27 official languages in India. 3)The UN was established on 24 October 1945. 4)New Orleans is called the cradle of jazz. 5)Andy Warhol was a famous American representative of pop art. His parents came from Slovakia. 6)The Rolling Stones have been playing since 1962. 7)Chuck Norris is involved in a lawsuit with NBC (National Broadcasting Company) because he claims that Law and Order are registered names of his right and left leg. 8)Tamariki means children in Maori language. 9)The Hawaiian Islands were discovered by James Cook in 1778. James Cook 10)The 2016 Summer Olympics will take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 20. srpna 20136

7 Translate 1)Můžete mi říct, kdo režíroval ten film? 2)Zajímalo by mě, jestli tě ta knížka bavila. 3)Mohl bys mi říct, kolik stojí vstupenka na koncert? 4)Rád bych věděl, jestli je nějaká studentská sleva. 5)Nevíš náhodou, kde ta skupina hraje příští měsíc? 6)Mohu se zeptat, jak dlouho to představení trvá? 7)Nejsem si jistý, kdo hrál v tom filmu hlavní roli? 8)Zajímalo by mě, zda ten film získá Oskara. 20. srpna 20137

8 Translate - key 1)Can you tell me who directed the film? 2)I wonder if you (have) enjoyed the book. 3)Could you tell me how much the ticket for the concert is? 4)I´d like to know if there is a student reduction. 5)Do you happen to know where the band is playing/is going to play next week. 6)May I ask how long the performance takes? 7)I´m not sure who starred the film. 8)I wonder whether the film will be awarded Oscar. 20. srpna 20138

9 Read the text and ask your teacher about the missing information. Make indirect questions. The first X-ray photograph was taken by Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen in ______. Roentgen was a scientist from ______ and in his first X-ray photograph there is _______. X-rays were discovered by accident, while Roentgen was experimenting with _______. Soon after, he built the _______. Immediately, hospital operations were made much safer. In 1901, Roentgen was awarded _________. ________ still use his invention every day, and they call it _______. 20. srpna 20139

10 Teachers´ text The first X-ray photograph was taken by Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen in 1896. Roentgen was a scientist from Germany and in his first X-ray photograph there is his wife´s hand. X-rays were discovered by accident, while Roentgen was experimenting with electricity. Soon after, he built the first X-ray machine. Immediately, hospital operations were made much safer. In 1901, Roentgen was awarded the very first Nobel Prize in Physics. Doctors and dentists still use his invention every day, and they call it ´the window into the human body´. 20. srpna 201310

11 11 Použité zdroje TRYML, Sergej. Moderní učebnice anglické gramatiky pro středně pokročilé a pokročilé. Praha: EKOPRESS, 1999. ISBN ISBN 80-86119-18-1. SOARS, John and Liz. New Headway Pre-Intermediate. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. ISBN 978-0-19-471683-3. Všechny objekty použité k vytvoření prezentace jsou součástí SW Microsoft Office nebo jsou vlastní originální tvorbou autora. 20. srpna 2013

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