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DS Seminář I., Mgr KOMB VSP ZS2009 Seminář pro podporu tvorby diplomových prací Katedra veřejné a sociální politiky, UK FSV Praha 5, Jinonice, U kříže.

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Prezentace na téma: "DS Seminář I., Mgr KOMB VSP ZS2009 Seminář pro podporu tvorby diplomových prací Katedra veřejné a sociální politiky, UK FSV Praha 5, Jinonice, U kříže."— Transkript prezentace:

1 DS Seminář I., Mgr KOMB VSP ZS2009 Seminář pro podporu tvorby diplomových prací Katedra veřejné a sociální politiky, UK FSV Praha 5, Jinonice, U kříže Zpracoval: Petr Háva Téma: Diskurzivní analýza

2 Political discourse analysis Critical discourse analysis
Diskurzivní analýza ve veřejné politice (kritická reflexe jednání aktérů v politických procesech) Discourse Discourse analysis Political discourse analysis Critical discourse analysis

3 Diskurz - definice Ve společenských vědách představuje institucionalyzovaný způsob myšlení, definici toho co lze sdělit o vybraném tématu: The limits of acceptable speech – or possible truth Diskurzy ovlivňují naše názory na určité věci

4 Diskurz Daný specializovaný jazyk a asociované myšlenky včetně sociálních důsledků, které vytvářejí jistý typ mocenských vztahů. Určité fenomény se utvářejí uvnitř diskurzu a neexistují mimo něj (je determinováno aktuálními cíli daného diskurzu) In the social sciences, a discourse is considered to be an institutionalized way of thinking, a social boundary defining what can be said about a specific topic, or, as Judith Butler puts it, "the limits of acceptable speech" - or possible truth. Discourses are seen to affect our views on all things; it is not possible to escape discourse (from wikipedia, discourse analysis)

5 Jednání (Weinberger) Jednání lze charakterizovat jako informací určené, záměrné (volní) chování určitého subjektu (jednajícího, nositele jednání) Jednání je pojmově závislé na dvou kategoriích informací: na kognitivních informacích a na informacích praktických. Každou z těchto kategorií informací lze dále dělit na různé druhy:

6 Kognitivní informace (Weinberger)
Kognitivní (popisné) informace popisují skutečnosti – jsou vhodné pro kognitivní orientaci jednání Informace situační – popisují prostředí, v němž subjekt jedná, a předmětové pole, v němž se má jednání uskutečnit Informace o příčinných vztazích, zvláště pak o kauzálních zákonech, které jsou buď deterministické (určují jednoznačně následky) nebo pravděpodobnostní Informace o programech jednání, o způsobech řešení nějakého úkolu nebo p způsobu postupu, jímž může být něčeho dosaženo (např. informace o technologických poznatcích, o know-how, aj.)

7 Praktické informace (Weinberger)
Charakteristickým rysem praktické informace je její funkce, určování rozhodnutí na základě volby. Praktické informace jsou závislé na určitém, jednajícímu subjektu vlastním, postoji. Vyjadřují hodnotící stanoviska. Teleologické informace, vyjadřují účely a určující cíle jednání Normativní informace, vyjadřující přípustnost, případně pravidla určující za jakých podmínek jistý způsob jednání má být (je přikázán nebo zakázán) nebo může být (je dovolen) Hodnotící informace, vyjadřují hodnocení určitých předmětů nebo stavů. Toto hodnocení může být pozitivní nebo negativní (odmítavé) či indiferentní. Informace, které vyjadřují relativní hodnocení, vyslovují preferenci, tj. skutečnost, že jednomu předmětu dáváme přednost před druhým, respektive oba hodnotíme stejně.

8 Aktéři politiky DISKURZ
Politické procesy, ideologie, jednání, diskurz, teoretické poznatky, mocenský vliv, hodnoty Společenské problémy, zájmy, potřeby, veřejný zájem, hodnoty, instituce Aktéři politiky DISKURZ IDEOLOGIE POZNATKY Systematická politická doktrína, která má ctižádost předložit komplexní teorii člověka a společnosti. Z ní je pak odvozován program politického jednání (Scruton, 1990). Nezávislá reflexe společenských procesů v rámci vědy, výzkumu, společenské vědy Politické rozhodnutí Nástroje politiky (veřejné programy, právní normy) Výsledky politiky, sociální změny

9 Jednání a diskurz JEDNÁNÍ DISKURZ Obsah Kognitivní a
praktické informace DISKURZ Procedury Techniky komunikace (manipulace) Viz také např. Shapiro a Habermas Teorie demokracie dnes; jejich diskuse obsahových a procedurálních aspektů demokracie

10 social conception of discourse
There is a social conception of discourse that is often linked with the work of French philosopher Michel Foucault ( ) and Jürgen Habermas' The Theory of Communicative Action (Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns). Each thinker had personal conceptions of discourse which are thought to be incompatible with the other. They remain two important figures in this field; Habermas trying to find the transcendent rules upon which speakers could agree on a groundworks consensus, while Foucault was developing a battle-type of discourse which opposed the classic marxist definition of ideology (superstructure). Zdroj: wikipedie Feb 2008; „discourse“

11 Diskurz (Foucault) (wikipedia, discourse, 2008)
Postmodern theorist Michel Foucault is best known for his work in the field of discourse. In Discursive Struggles Within Social Welfare: Restaging Teen Motherhood, Lessa (2006) summarizes Foucault's definition of discourse as “systems of thoughts composed of ideas, attitudes, courses of action, beliefs and practices that systematically construct the subjects and the worlds of which they speak. He traces the role of discourses in wider social processes of legitimating and power, emphasizing the construction of current truths, how they are maintained and what power relations they carry with them.” Foucault theorized that discourse is a medium for power which produces speaking subjects (Strega, 2005). Foucault (1972) argued that power and knowledge are inter-related and therefore every human relationship is a struggle and negotiation of power. Foucault further stated that power is always present and can both produce and constrain the truth (Strega, 2005). Discourse according to Foucault (1972) is related to power as it operates by rules of exclusion. Discourse therefore is controlled by objects, what can be spoken of, ritual, where and how one may speak and the privileged, who may speak (Foucault, 1972)

12 Political discourse analysis (wikipedia)
Political discourse analysis is a field of discourse analysis which focuses on discourse in political forums (such as debates, speeches, and hearings) as the phenomenon of interest. Political discourse is the formal exchange of reasoned views as to which of several alternative courses of action should be taken to solve a societal problem [1] . It is a science that has been used through the history of the United States. It is the essence of democracy. Full of problems and persuasion, political discourse is used in many debates, candidacies and in our everyday life.

13 Purpose of the Political Discourse Community
The purpose of political discourse is to create consensus among citizens as to which course of action will best solve a problem (such as poverty, crime, drug abuse, America’s economic health, racism) [2]. In political discourse, problems are often presented and solutions are attached to people. By attaching solutions onto people, candidates are chosen who solve problems on behalf of the citizens. Destructive forms of political persuasion should be avoided as they (a) divert time and energy from the real need of citizens to engage in political discourse and (b) damage both the short-term health for our democracy [3]. In political discourses, candidates must prove they are the most credible, most logical and emotionally congruent to the voters. This is so important that discourse members will discredit others to improve the credit of themselves. Again, this is a problem because in discrediting others, the issues at hand are being ignored. From wikipedia, political discourse analysis

14 Discourse analysis (wikipedia, DA)
Discourse analysis (DA), or discourse studies, is a general term for a number of approaches to analyzing written, spoken or signed language use. The objects of discourse analysis - discourse, writing, talk, conversation, communicative event, etc.—are variously defined in terms of coherent sequences of sentences, propositions, speech acts or turns-at-talk. Contrary to much of traditional linguistics, discourse analysts not only study language use 'beyond the sentence boundary', but also prefer to analyze 'naturally occurring' language use, and not invented examples. Discourse analysis has been taken up in a variety of social science disciplines, including linguistics, anthropology, sociology, cognitive psychology, social psychology, international relations communication studies and translation studies, each of which is subject to its own assumptions, dimensions of analysis, and methodologies.

15 History (wikipedia, DA)
The term discourse analysis first entered general use as the title of a paper published by Zellig Harris in 1952, although that paper did not yet offer a systematic analysis of linguistic structures 'beyond the sentence level'. As a new cross-discipline, DA began to develop in the late 1960s and 1970s in most of the humanities and social sciences, more or less at the same time, and in relation with, other new (inter- or sub-) disciplines, such as semiotics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, and pragmatics. Whereas earlier studies of discourse, for instance in text linguistics, often focused on the abstract structures of (written) texts, many contemporary approaches, especially those influenced by the social sciences, favor a more dynamic study of (spoken, oral) talk-in-interaction.

16 Topics of interest (wikipedia, DA)
The various levels or dimensions of discourse, such as sounds (intonation, etc.), gestures, syntax, the lexicon, style, rhetoric, meanings, speech acts, moves, strategies, turns and other aspects of interaction Genres of discourse (various types of discourse in politics, the media, education, science, business, etc.) The relations between discourse and the emergence of sentence syntax The relations between text (discourse) and context The relations between discourse and power The relations between discourse and interaction The relations between discourse and cognition and memory

17 Diskurzivní analýza (discourse analysis)
Přístup k analýze jazykového projevu a jiného typu diskurzu, který zdůrazňuje způsoby vytváření sociální reality skrze jazyk

18 Critical Discourse Analysis (wikipedia, CDA)
Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is an interdisciplinary approach to the study of discourse, which views "language as a form of social practice" (Fairclough 1989: 20) and focuses on the ways social and political domination is reproduced by text and talk. Critical discourse analysis is founded on the idea that there is unequal access to linguistic and social resources, resources that are controlled institutionally. The patterns of access to discourse and communicative events is one essential element for CDA.

19 Background (wikipedia, CDA)
CDA developed within several disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, such as '' (exemplified by the seminal book Language and Control by , Bob Hodge and Tony Trew, published in 1979). Norman Fairclough's Language and Power (1989; 2001) and Critical Discourse Analysis (1995) articulate a three-dimensional framework for studying discourse, "where the aim is to map three separate forms of analysis onto one another: analysis of (spoken or written) language texts, analysis of discourse practice (processes of text production, distribution and consumption) and analysis of discursive events as instances of sociocultural practice" (1995: 2). In addition to linguistic theory, the approach draws from social theory — and contributions from Karl Marx, Antonio Gramsci, Louis Althusser, Jürgen Habermas, Michel Foucault and Pierre Bourdieu — in order to examine ideologies and power relations involved in discourse. Fairclough notes "that language connects with the social through being the primary domain of ideology, and through being both a site of, and a stake in, struggles for power" (1989: 15). Van Dijk (1998) articulates ideology as the basis of the social representations of groups, and more generally advocates a sociocognitive interface between social structures and discourse structures. emphasizes the importance of a historical dimension in critical discourse studies, as she also has shown in her work on racism and antisemitism.

20 Methodology (from wikipedia, CDA)
Although CDA is sometimes mistaken to represent a 'method' of discourse analysis, it is generally agreed upon that any explicit method in discourse studies, the humanities and social sciences may be used in CDA research, as long as it is able to adequately and relevantly produce insights into the way discourse reproduces (or resists) social and political inequality, power abuse or domination. That is, CDA does not limit its analysis to specific structures of text or talk, but systematically relate these to structures of the sociopolitical context.

21 External links to CDA Research in Critical Discourse Analysis. Website of Teun van Dijk JOURNALS Discourse & Society Discourse Studies Discourse & Communication Discurso & Sociedad Discourse Analysis page at Loughborough Norman Fairclough's page (papers for downloading) Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines (Includes glossary of terms and exportable bibliography. Open to community contributions.)

22 Literatura DOPORUČENO Související hesla ve wikipedii pro začátek
Discourse Discourse analysis Critical discourse analysis Nohejl, M:, Jednání, diskurs, kritika. Myslet společnost. Slon, Praha 2007 POUŽITO Weinberger, O. Norma a instituce. Úvod do teorie práva. Masarykova univerzita, Brno 1995 Habermas, J. Problémy legitimity v pozdním kapitalismu. Filosofia (edice morální a politická filosofie č. 7), Praha 2000 Habermas, J. The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity. Twelve Lectures. The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts 1987 Habermas, J. The Theory of Communicative Action. Reason and the Rationalization of Society. Polity Press, Cambridge 1991, 1995, 1997

23 Van Dijk
Literatura Scruton, R. Slovník politického myšlení. Brno, Atlantis 1990 Cabada, L:, Kubát, M., a kol. Úvod do studia politické vědy. Eurolex, Bohemia, Praha 2004 Shapiro, I., Habermas, J. Teorie demokracie dnes. Filosofia (edice morální a politická filosofie č. 10), Praha Van Dijk Schiffrin, D. et al. The Handbook of Discourse Analysis. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford 2003 Beck, U. Moc a protiváha moci v globálním věku. Nová ekonomie světové politiky. Slon, Praha 2007

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