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PRODUCTION Translate: 1) Rozdělení pracovních sil v různých sektorech hospodářství se liší v závislosti na úrovni ekonomického rozvoje. 1) The proportions.

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3 Translate: 1) Rozdělení pracovních sil v různých sektorech hospodářství se liší v závislosti na úrovni ekonomického rozvoje. 1) The proportions of the labour force employed in the different sectors of the economy vary depending on the level of economic development.

4 2) V rozvojových zemích je největší procento práceschopného obyvatelstva zaměstnáno v zemědělství. 2) In the developing countries, the largest percentage of the working population is employed in agriculture.

5 3) Výroba je proces tvorby zboží a poskytování služeb. 3) Production is the process of creating goods and performing/providing services.

6 4) Sériová výroba je výrobní systém, kdy se vyrábí řada podobných výrobků. 4) Batch production is a systém of production where a number of similar products are produced/manufactured.

7 5) Sekundární sektor je výroba zboží ze surovin. 5) Secondary production is the production of goods from raw materials.

8 6) Služby jsou nejrychleji se rozvíjejícím odvětvím české ekonomiky. 6) Services/tertiary sector are/is the fastest-growing sector of the Czech economy.

9 7) Čína je jedním z hlavních producentů rýže na světě. 7) China is one of the world´s leading producers of rice.

10 8) V některých výrobních odvětvích je značná potřeba kapitálu. 8) In some production industries a great deal of capital is needed.

11 9) Mnohá odvětví, např. cestovní ruch či maloobchod, kladou značné nároky na pracovní síly. 9) Many industries, such as tourism or the retailing industry, are demanding in terms of labour force.

12 10) Úroveň ekonomického rozvoje dané země ovlivňuje zaměstnanost v jednotlivých sektorech hospodářství. 10) The level of the economic development of the country affects the employment in individual sectors of economy.

13 Change the word PRODUCE to fit in the gaps + translate: 1)To measure the ………………….. of labour, economists determine the amount of goods and services ……………… for every unit of input.

14 1)To measure the productivity of labour, economists determine the amount of goods and services ……………… for every unit of input.

15 1)To measure the productivity of labour, economists determine the amount of goods and services produced for every unit of input.

16 2) …………….. of the new sports car has been halted by a strike.

17 2) Production of the new sports car has been halted by a strike.

18 3)I´m afraid the talks were totally ……………………because we did not reach agreement on anything.

19 3)I´m afraid the talks were totally unproductive because we did not reach agreement on anything.

20 4) A thing which is made, manufactured or brought into existence is called a ………………………...

21 4) A thing which is made, manufactured or brought into existence is called a product.

22 5) The bottle was labelled ………………. of Spain.

23 5) The bottle was labelled produce of Spain.

24 Translation - 394/4 1) She had been working for the company/with … for 15 years before she was promoted. 2) Einstein, the physicist, developed the theory of relativity. 3) We have finally seen the film that we were looking forward to so much.

25 4) When did you order the goods? 5) Have you ordered the goods? 6) I wasn´t able to answer the question because I had never come across a problem like that (before). 7) While we were processing the test results, the company decided to stop/halt the project.

26 8) It´s the third time you have made that mistake. 9) As soon as we had announced the new CEO the share prices went up. 10) We have lost an important market.We weren´t able to meet the demand for our products.

27 The Prize in Economic Sciences Translate the excerpt from the article: Buyers and sellers sometimes haggle too hard and therefore fail to trade. Desirable joint projects are sometimes not undertaken because the projects´ beneficiaries fail to agree how the costs should be shared. Sickness insurance, for example, is typically criticized either for offering too little coverage or for inviting misuse. In either case, the basic problem is that people have an incentive to economize with their private information: some insurance-policy sellers claim that their costs are high in order to increase the price; some beneficiaries of joint projects such as insurance-policy holders claim that their benefits are low in order to reduce their own contributions to the project; some well-insured workers claim that they are sick, in order to reduce their workload.

28 Can you explain the following concepts? -Insurance scheme coverage. -Misuse of insurance scheme. -Private goods -Public goods -Unanimous decision-making -Utility gain

29 At the end of the line In A, what word tells you that the Indian workers are well educated? In B, which word means „the people who work for a company“? In C, which phrase indicates Ron Harley is angry about the proposal? In D, which word means „agreement“? In E, which word means „cutting“? In F, Which word tells you that the training cost is very high for Indian workers? In G, which phrase shows Indian call-centre operators understand their situation? In H, which word means „boring and repetitive“?

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