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G EORGE BERNARD SHAW Mgr. Petr Kalus. Gymnázium a Jazyková škola s právem státní jazykové zkoušky Svitavy ANOTACE Kód DUMu: VY_32_INOVACE_4. AJ.09 Číslo.

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2 Gymnázium a Jazyková škola s právem státní jazykové zkoušky Svitavy ANOTACE Kód DUMu: VY_32_INOVACE_4. AJ.09 Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0114 Vytvořeno: listopad 2013 Ročník: 3. ročník a 4. ročník – čtyřleté gymnázium (RVP-G), Septima a Oktáva – osmileté gymnázium (RVP-G) Anotace: Vzdělávací oblastJazyk a jazyková komunikace Vzdělávací oborAnglický jazyk Tematický okruhGeorge Bernard Shaw Tento materiál byl vytvořen jako osnova pro maturitní okruh: George Bernard Shaw na Gymnáziu a JŠ Svitavy na několik tematicky propojených hodin (pro výklad i opakování – shrnutí učiva). Obsahuje základní přehled autorova života a díla. Materiál je primárně zaměřen na dva poslední ročníky gymnázia, i přesto se dá využít i v nižších ročnících osmiletého i čtyřletého studia vcelku nebo jeho jednotlivé části. Pomůcky: interaktivní tabule

3 George Bernard Shaw born in Dublin in 1856 into a Protestant middle class family his father was a civil cervant he disliked any type of regular formal education in 1876, G.B. Shaw moved to London and became a prominet theatre critic often expressed his discontent with the English stage his plays often illustrate critisism of society

4 George Bernard Shaw Accomplishments many scholars consider him to be the greatest British playwright after William Shakespeare wrote over 60 stage productions, 5 novels, 3 volumes of music criticism, 4 volumes of dance and theatrical criticism + lots of social critique established London School of Economics, Europe ʼ s leading business school as a keen socialist and the member of the Fabians he helped to form the Liberty Party, one of the two major Uk ʼ s parties the only person to receive both the Nobel Prize and the Oscar

5 George Bernard Shaw Major traits of his literary work: In Shaw ʼs works, there are certain elements that help us to identify a piece of writing as his. A sharp critique of society:  keen social activist: held opinions on almost any subject of his times  for property to be owned publicly  vegetarianism  against exploitation of working class  his plays challenged social ills

6 George Bernard Shaw Major traits of his literary work: A Sense of humour  always approached his social critique with great humour  even though his plays conveyed unpopular social messages, they were perceived positively thanks to their humorous presentation  audiences were more interested in fun enjoying his plays despite not liking what Shaw wanted to say

7 Shaw: Major works Earliest plays A set called Plays Pleasant and Unpleasant: The Pleasant volume included: Arms and the Man (1894), Candida (1893), and You Never Can Tell (1895) The Unpleasant volume: Widower's Houses (1892), The Philanderer (1893), and Mrs. Warren's Profession (1893)

8 Philosophical plays Man and the Superman  draws on a classic legend about Don Juan  Shaw inverts the story: the main protagonist tries to ward off a seductress Ann Whitefield  introduces Shawʼs key philosophical ideas: Life Force – women have an inner drive to choose superior men, Eugenics – only the most intelligent and talented people should have children

9 Philosophical plays Heartbreak House 1919 his first post WW I work His optimistic philosophies about the superman changed by the war family drama – nobody is who they appear introduces a question if society is capable of change

10 Philosophical plays Back to Methuselah five-play epic written to be read rather than performed each play set in different times: from 400 BC to 31920 AD, really distant future- elements of scifi lays out an idea that people need to live longer to learn how to become more sensible The title refers to a Biblical figure: the oldest person to ever live Theme: longevity as a key to becoming sensible and mature

11 Popular plays while philosophical plays present rather heavy ideas, popular plays offer audiences humour combined with social critique Saint Joan one of Shaws best works, probably „responsible“ for the Nobel Prize historical figure of Joan Arch, persecuted French warrior as the main protagonist (15th century) his only tragedy, historically inaccurate

12 Popular plays Pygmalion masterpiece a story of a lower-class flower girl Eliza Doolitle taking lessons about high society taught by professor Higgins Higgins wants to see if Eliza can pass off as an upper class lady made into a famous musical My Fair Lady Shaw co-wrote the film adaptation in 1938 winning him the Oscar Pygmalian powerfully combines humorous elements with critique of trivialities and frivolity of upper-class people Spojeovačka popisu a hlavních postav, krátké seřazení vět zachycujících děj a propojení se spojovacími výrazy

13 Gymnázium a Jazyková škola s právem státní jazykové zkoušky Svitavy

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