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ZveřejnilRenáta Němcová
Elektronické učební materiály – I. stupeň Anglický jazyk 5 Autor: Mgr. Jaroslava Ledererová PŘÍTOMNÝ ČAS PROSTÝ Vyjadřuje děje, které jsou pořád nebo se pravidelně opakují. Tvoří se infinitivem a ve 3. osobě č. jed. ( he, she, it ) se přidává - s/ - es. I drive a car. She drives a taxi. You go to school. He goes to the bank. They have children. It has four legs.
Elektronické učební materiály – I. stupeň Anglický jazyk 5 Procvičování AFFIRMATIVE Practice: I …. homework. (do) You ….. model planes. (make) He …. every day. (swim) We …. Tv. (watch) She …. chess in the evening. (play) They …. the answer. (know) It …. small children. (like) You …. the Net. (surf) He …. an interesting book. (read)
Elektronické učební materiály – I. stupeň Anglický jazyk 5 NEGATIVE Zápor tvoříme pomocí DO NOT – DON´T, ve 3. os. č. jed. (he, she, it) přidáváme DOES NOT – DOESN´T. You don´t take a photo. He doesn´t like eggs. They don´t play hockey. It doesn´t eat grass. She doesn´t write a book. We don´t relax. Sloveso zůstává vždy v základním tvaru (infinitivu).
Elektronické učební materiály – I. stupeň Anglický jazyk 5 Procvičování Practice Wendy and Jim are very lazy. They don´t do all the things.
Elektronické učební materiály – I. stupeň Anglický jazyk 5 Procvičování Practice WRITE THE SENTENCES IN NEGATIVE They ………… …………. the dog for a walk. (TAKE) He ………. ………… his mum. (HELP) She …….. ……….. in the garden. (WORK) They ………. ………….their dog. (FEED) Wendy ……….. ……… swimming. (GO) Jim ……….. ……….. table tennis in the park. (PLAY) They don´t take the dog for a walk. He doesn´t help his mum. She doesn´t work in the garden. They don´t feed their dog. Wendy doesn´t go swimming. Jim doesn´t play table tennis in the park.
Elektronické učební materiály – I. stupeň Anglický jazyk 5 QUESTIONS Does she get up at 7 o´clock? Do you go by bus to school? Do I look good? Does he drink milk? Do we win this competition? Do they make breakfast? Otázku tvoříme pomocí DO a ve 3.os. č.jed. (he, she, it) DOES. Sloveso zůstává v základním tvaru – infinitivu. ODPOVÍDÁME: Yes, I do. No, I don´t. Yes, he/ she/ it does.No, he/ she/ it doesn´t.
Elektronické učební materiály – I. stupeň Anglický jazyk 5 Procvičování Practice Jim and Wendy look out from the window every day. What do they see?
Elektronické učební materiály – I. stupeň Anglický jazyk 5 Procvičování Practice 1..... the cat …. after the dog every morning? (RUN) 2..... the boys …. to school by car? (GO) 3. …. the postman …. at number 34? (STOP) 4. …. the people …. in the park? (WALK) 5. …. the children ….a bike. (RIDE) 6. …. the woman …. a magazine? (BUY) 1. Does the cat run after the dog every morning? 2. Do the boys go to school by car? 3. Does the postman stop at number 34? 4. Do the people walk in the park? 5. Do the children ride a bike. 6. Does the woman buy a magazine?
Elektronické učební materiály – I. stupeň Anglický jazyk 5 Zahraj si na učitele Find the mistakes A detective Steve is the world´s best detective. He don´t leave his house at 9 a.m. He go over a bridge. Does he sees anything? Yes, he see robbers. They doesn´t see him! They wants to kill me! I shouts: „Help, please!“ I can´t run and I thinks: „Do they catches me?“ I am afraid very much but the detective save me. A detective Steve is the world´s best detective. He doesn´t leave his house at 9 a.m. He goes over a bridge. Does he see anything? Yes, he sees robbers. They don´t see him! They want to kill me! I shout: „Help, please!“ I can´t run and I think: „Do they catch me?“ I am afraid very much but the detective saves me.
Elektronické učební materiály – I. stupeň Anglický jazyk 5 TEST A. Complete the sentences: A 1. He …. to people on his radio. (SPEAK) 2. She …. her job. (LOVE) 3. I …. free time. (HAVE) 4. We …. from Australia. (COME) 5. You …. in a big family house. (LIVE) 1. He …. to people on his radio. (SPEAK) speaks 2. She …. her job. (LOVE) loves 3. I …. free time. (HAVE) have 4. We …. from Australia. (COME) come 5. You …. in a big family house. (LIVE) live B. Rewrite the sentences using the negative form.
Elektronické učební materiály – I. stupeň Anglický jazyk 5 TEST C. Make questions. C 1. he/play/football? 2. they/watch/Tv /on Friday? 3. you/eat/fruit? 4. she/go shopping/at the weekends? 5. Simon and Jane/speak/Italian? 1. Does he play football? 2. Do they watch Tv on Friday? 3. Do you eat fruit? 4. Does she go shopping at the weekends? 5. Do they speak Italian?
Elektronické učební materiály – I. stupeň Anglický jazyk 5 Použité zdroje [2] s_01_07/games_unit07_02?cc=cz&selLanguage=cs [5] s_03_04/games_unit04_02?cc=cz&selLanguage=cs [9] s_02_08/games_unit08_02?cc=cz&selLanguage=cs [11] s_04_01/games_unit01_02?cc=cz&selLanguage=cs cz/images/?CTT=6&ver=14&app=winword.exe
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