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SQS Vláknová optika s.r.o. Tel.: +420 49 3765111 Fax : +420 49 3721017 Zdeněk Švitorka SQS Vláknová.

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Prezentace na téma: "SQS Vláknová optika s.r.o. Tel.: +420 49 3765111 Fax : +420 49 3721017 Zdeněk Švitorka SQS Vláknová."— Transkript prezentace:

1 SQS Vláknová optika s.r.o. Tel.: +420 49 3765111 Fax : +420 49 3721017 E-mail: Zdeněk Švitorka SQS Vláknová optika a.s. 509 01 Nová Paka, CZ Tel. +420 602 526 912

2 Ed.: 11c_111005 About SQS generally, basic strategy, role of TC, Eureka, EU and other programs in SQS EUREKA in SQS

3 SQS activity

4 SQS strategy SQS Production - SQS sources generation Production (and services) Distribution (and connecting activity) Distribution - assets to SQS ARD aplikovaný výzkum a vývoj Applied research and development - SQS future assurance TC - Technological centre TC - ARD introducing, its transfer to production, processes optimisation OPTIMISATION and ARD transfer.... EXISTENTIAL SQS CREDO ! „3+1“ Philosophy

5 Optimisation ARD - projects Internal SQS Open partnership SQS own sources „Own“ souces of partners (all) „Own“ souces of partners (all) + dotations (from provider) ČR EU RD projects (R esearch and D evelopment )

6 Programmes EU in SQS generally, EUREKA especially Developing Aircraft Photonic Network MOFIC 2008-2011 / Microstructured optical fiber components for optical Communications / OE08021, E!3828 MOFIC 2008-2011 / Microstructured optical fiber components for optical Communications / OE08021, E!3828 Součástky s mikrostrukturními optickými vlákny pro optické komunikace SMATECH 2008-2010/ Shape Memory Alloy Technics - LD Microdrilling / OE08020, E!3870 SMATECH 2008-2010/ Shape Memory Alloy Technics - LD Microdrilling / OE08020, E!3870 Mechanické spoje optických vláken na bázi slitiny s tvarovou pamětí – technologie LD mikro-opracování FOGS 2011-2015 / Fibre Optic Gas Sensing / E!5839 FOGS 2011-2015 / Fibre Optic Gas Sensing / E!5839 Vláknově optická detekce plynu EU

7 Eureka consideration - definition “official” Eureka is one of the European strategy tools and co-operation in the field of applied and idustrial research and developing a ctivities. Pragramme target is the supporting of the international co-operation among european industrial companies, research institutions and universitiesand thereby to create conditions for and idustrial research and developing a ctivities. Pragramme target is the supporting of the international co-operation among european industrial companies, research institutions and universitiesand thereby to create conditions for competition capability increasing of the Europian industry and expansion of its mutual infastructure.


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