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Název SŠ: SŠ-COPt Uherský Brod Autor: Ing. Hana Kubišová, Ph.D. Název prezentace (DUMu): Defects of Guns Název sady: Technical English for students of.

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Prezentace na téma: "Název SŠ: SŠ-COPt Uherský Brod Autor: Ing. Hana Kubišová, Ph.D. Název prezentace (DUMu): Defects of Guns Název sady: Technical English for students of."— Transkript prezentace:

1 Název SŠ: SŠ-COPt Uherský Brod Autor: Ing. Hana Kubišová, Ph.D. Název prezentace (DUMu): Defects of Guns Název sady: Technical English for students of study branch 2 nd, 3 rd and 4 th class Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07./1.5.00/34.0727 Datum vzniku: 15.5.2013 Uvedení autoři, není-li uvedeno jinak, jsou autory tohoto výukového materiálu a všech jeho částí. Tento projekt je spolufinancován ESF a státním rozpočtem ČR. 1

2 Záměrem této sady výukových materiálů s názvem Technical English je ukázat žákům, kteří se v této oblasti vzdělávají, jaký byl vývoj zbraní. Jednotlivé DUMy (prezentace) v této sadě popíší postupně tematické oblasti, které jsou probírány v předmětu Anglický jazyk na naší SŠ. Konkrétně tato prezentace je zaměřena na vady zbraní. 2

3 3

4  When was created the first revolver?  Who constructed and created the revolver?  When appear Browning's pistols?  Are Colt's revolver rapid-fire gun?  Describe an unlocked systems.  Describe a locked systems. 4

5  Describe the halflocked systems.  Describe the principe of locking mechanism.  Describe advantages of pistols.  Describe advantages of revolvers. 5

6 6

7  Defects of guns are divided into four groups:  common defects,  defects associated with internal ballistics,  functional defects of guns,  wear out of guns. 7

8  Common defects:  cartridge can not be loaded into the chamber,  weak function of firing,  strong function of firing,  weak shot. 8

9  Defects associated with internal ballistics are delayed gunshot and ignitor primer.  Delayed gunshot is caused by:  defective primer,  lack of strike firing,  impaired ignition powder charge,  lack of connection with cartridge bullet 9

10  Defects associated with internal ballistics are delayed gunshot and ignitor primer.  The shot, which is not normal to check the barrel after the shot.  This defect is very dangerous.  Another dangerous defect is a barrier in the barrel. 10

11  Functional defects of guns:  do not pass the cartridge to the chamber,  do not open the cartridge to the chamber,  do not pull out cartridge casing from the chamber,  do not throw out cartridge casing,  shooting emergency is not exposed. 11

12  Functional defects of guns:  premature shooting emergency,  weak strike to the strigger,  trigger doesn´t return,  magazine is released,  etc. 12

13  Each gun has got a certain life.  Life(time) of gun is defined in the specification.  Life(time) is determined by the number of shots.  Examination system quarantees safety and functionality of gun.  Defects are result of failure to comply with technical regulations or improper use of gun. 13

14  Gradual reduction in the functional properties of the bore :  a mechanical action,  a heat treatment,  an erosive action,  a chemical action. 14

15  Protection of the functional properties of of the bore :  construction of the barrel and the bore,  construction of cartridge and its material,  material of the barrel and the technology,  changes in the design of guns in use. 15

16 16

17  How many groups of defects guns do you know?  Describe common defects.  Describe defects associated with internal ballistics.  Describe functional defects of guns.  Describe wear out of guns. 17

18  Describe gradual reduction in the functional properties of the bore.  Describe protection of the functional properties of of the bore. 18

19 19

20  Defects of guns are divided into four groups:  common defects,  defects associated with internal ballistics,  functional defects of guns,  wear out of guns. 20

21  Each gun has got a certain life.  Life(time) of gun is defined in the specification.  Life(time) is determined by the number of shots.  Examination system quarantees safety and functionality of gun.  Defects are result of failure to comply with technical regulations or improper use of gun. 21

22 22

23  KŘÍBEK, J. Střelné zbraně I. část, 2. vyd. Brno: PC-DIR spol. s.r.o., 1995. s 3-17.  ELMAN, J. a Michalíček, V. Česko-Anglický technický slovník, 1. vyd. Praha: Sobotáles, 2002. 23

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