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ZveřejnilBohumila Moravcová
COMMUNITIES Výukový materiál EK 01 - 15 Tvůrce: Ing. Marie Jiráková Tvůrce anglické verze: Mgr. Milan Smejkal Projekt: S anglickým jazykem do dalších předmětů Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.1.36/03.0005 Tento projekt je spolufinancován ESF a SR ČR
COMMUNITY Grouping of populations of different organisms found living together in a particular environment at a certain time.
E COLOGY STUDIES : Extending communities The emergence of communities Conditions affecting communities Community productivity
DIVISION OF THE C OMMUNITIES By „ territory “ (birds, trees in the forest etc.) By „habitats“ (forest communities, pond communities etc.) The two conditions are often combined (invertebrate communities from the bottom of the pond).
DIVERSITY diversity of species – an important attribute. The more species the more links and the better use of energy in food relationships.
D OMINANT SPECIES Not all the species are important for the (existence of) communities. The main (dominant) species are more important for the processes in the community than the minor ones.
T IME CLASSIFICATION OF THE SPECIES ACTIVITY. In almost all communities there are noticeable differences between days and nights or in the seasons. These differences are characteristic for the community and they are repeated regularly - they are periodic.
S PATIAL CLASSIFICATION OF THE SPECIES ACTIVITY Levels in the tree community: Tree level Shrub level Herb level Moss level Root level
F OOD RELATIONSHIPS IN THE COMMUNITY Producers Consumers Decomposers (Saprotrophs)
T HE FOOD CHAIN A relocation of matter and energy between producers (plants), consumers (herbivores, carnivores) and decomposers.
TYPES OF CHAINS Pasture exploitative Destructive
ECOTONE A narrow and fairly sharply defined transition zone between two or more different communities. One community often changes into the other one. Ecotones are transition zones (border, contact) and communities living here are called ecotone communities.
W ORKSHEET - REVISION What is the community ? What are the dominant species communities? Give an example of a real food chain. Why is the amount of pollutants in the food chain increasing?
S OURCE BRANIŠ, Martin. Základy ekologie a ochrany životního prostředí. 2. vyd. Praha: Informatorium, 1999. ISBN 80-86073-52-1. PAPÁČEK, Miroslav a kol. Zoologie. Praha: pedagogické nakladatelství, 2000, ISBN 80-7183- 203-0. KVASNIČKOVÁ, Danuše. Základy ekologie. Praha: Scientia,spol.s r.o., 1994, ISBN 80-85827- 84-0
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