CLIL - PRE - 02 Zeměpis na II.stupni – CLIL výuka  Číslo operačního programu:  CZ.1.07  Operační program :  Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost  Název.

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1 CLIL - PRE - 02 Zeměpis na II.stupni – CLIL výuka  Číslo operačního programu:  CZ.1.07  Operační program :  Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost  Název výzvy:  Středočeský kraj  Výzva č.3 pro GP - oblast podpory 1.1  Název prioritní osy:  Počáteční vzdělávání  Název oblasti podpory:  Zvyšování kvality ve vzdělávání  Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.1.06/03.0094

2 CANADA Canada

3 No visit to Ottawa is complete without a visit to the Hill, the seat of Canada's national government and the setting for year-round celebration and ceremony.

4 The stately home and gardens of the Governor General, the Queen's representative in Canada.

5 The highest judicial court in the country, and the setting for some of the country's most landmark cases welcomes visitors to tour its hallowed halls and chambers.

6 Ontario's first UNESCO World Heritage Site winds its way through the city, starting from the beautiful and historic locks at the Ottawa River.

7 This summertime ceremony takes place on Parliament Hill and is a sheer spectacle of pomp and pageantry.

8 The dramatic Sound and Light Show is a sight to behold, a dramatic and eye-popping experience telling Canada's history through the ages.

9 Learn about one of Canada's most characteristic symbols, the Mounties, and take in their majestic musical ride at the stables.

10 Begin where it all began, with Canada's first people, in a dramatic and moving showcase on Victoria Island, located in the middle of the Ottawa River.

11 Ottawa throws the biggest July 1st party in the country. You haven't done Canada Day until you've done it in Ottawa.

12 This victorian mansion served as the home for two of Canada's most renowned Prime Ministers, and is a preserved showcase to their lifestyles.

13 See first-hand the life of 19th century pioneers in an authentically recreated historic village setting.

14 In the heart of Gatineau Park, discover the magic of the Mackenzie King Estate, with its romantic gardens and picturesque ruins.

15 Hand-made BeaverTail pastries are served up with a variety of toppings.

16  1. Where Canadianś national government seats?  2.Who is a president of Canada?  3. Ontario's first UNESCO World Heritage Site is …?  4. In what language can you also speak in Canada?  5. The capital city of Canada is ?

17  Aboriginal  BeaverTails  Changingtheguard  Laurierhouse  MackenzieKingEstate  Ottawa  ParliamentHill  rideo hall

18  SupremeCourtEterior  upper-canada

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