Www.zlinskedum y.cz Název školyStřední odborná škola a Gymnázium Staré Město Číslo projektuCZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.1007 AutorMgr. Roman Chovanec Název šablonyIII/2.

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Prezentace na téma: "Www.zlinskedum y.cz Název školyStřední odborná škola a Gymnázium Staré Město Číslo projektuCZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.1007 AutorMgr. Roman Chovanec Název šablonyIII/2."— Transkript prezentace:

1 www.zlinskedum y.cz Název školyStřední odborná škola a Gymnázium Staré Město Číslo projektuCZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.1007 AutorMgr. Roman Chovanec Název šablonyIII/2 – Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Název DUMuThe Czech Republic Stupeň a typ vzděláváníSŠ - Gymnázium Vzdělávací oblastCizí jazyk - anglický Vzdělávací obor79-41-K/41 Tematický okruhReálie Druh učebního materiáluVýukový materiál Cílová skupinaŽák, 4.ročník AnotaceŽáci se seznámí s problematikou reálií České republiky Vybavení, pomůcky- Klíčová slovaHistorie, geografie a zajímavosti České republiky Datum3.9.2013 The Czech Republic

2 Basic facts Speak about your country and use the following words or numbers: Central Europe Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia Prague Prague Castle Miloš Zeman Prime Minister Where is my home? 79, 000 km2 Czech crown 1993 10,5 million 80 % non-religious 10 % Roman Catholics The Czech Republic The Czech Republic

3 Can you think of the most typical thing the Czech Republic is really famous for? What is typical Czech? What would you answer to a foreigner if he asked you this question? How are Czech people seen abroad? Tell your partner what you think. The Czech Republic

4 Talk about the following typical Czech things: Beer, alcohol (Becherovka) Sports (tennis, football, ice-hockey) Czech glass and crystal Czech food (sausages, open sandwiches) Traditions (Easter, Hody,..) Czech musicians The Czech Republic

5 Work in pairs and answer the following questions: Do you enjoy living in the CR? Don´t explain why yet! What are the advantages of living in our country? Name 5 reasons why we should be happy to live here. What are the cons of living here? Can you think of 3 disadvantages? The Czech Republic

6 PROS: Variety of places 2go2 A lot of possibilities for outdoor activities Safe place 2 live Easy to run a business Public transport Healthcare system Level of education Food, drinks and culture CONS: Far from the sea Increasing crime Bureaucracy Local taxi cabs! Poor customer servise Expensive petrol Bank fees and politicians are a big joke! Any more??? The Czech Republic

7 History When did Slavic tribes come here? Where from? In the 6th century, from the east What happened in the 9th century in Moravia? The tribes united in the 1st political unit called the GREAT MORAVIAN EMPIRE Who was the most famous king in middle ages and why? The Czech Republic

8 Charles IV, Prague became the political and cultural center of Europe Who was Jan Hus and what did he try to do? How and when did he die? A religious reformer who inspired the others. He was burnt at the stake in 1415. What happened in 1620 and after that? Battle of the White Mountain, period of political, religious and cultural oppression (útlak). The Czech Republic

9 What do these things have in common? 28/10 1918 and TGM? Common state of Czechs and Slovaks was created and Masaryk became the first President. What regime did we have between Feb 1948 and Nov 1989? What is typical for the period and why did it finish? Communistic (Gottwald, Svoboda, Husák) no freedom, Velvet revolution in Prague The Czech Republic


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