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Prezentace se nahrává, počkejte prosím

 No Competitor : other commercial bank provide loan only to SME, BAAC provide the loan directly to the farmer.  Utilize farmer social asset to form.

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Prezentace na téma: " No Competitor : other commercial bank provide loan only to SME, BAAC provide the loan directly to the farmer.  Utilize farmer social asset to form."— Transkript prezentace:



3  No Competitor : other commercial bank provide loan only to SME, BAAC provide the loan directly to the farmer.  Utilize farmer social asset to form the guaranty mechanism  BAAC staff facilitate the auction of rice using information (price of rice or paddy)  Government support under crisis circumstance


5  Quota facilitate global market increase  Clear Strategy on Market cutting, and Vision  Small margin (2%) but big volume also make money


7  Clear Strategy and Vision  Contribute to the community development (10% share of revenue use on community welfare, education and temple)  Cooperative with government and private sector  Strong intern of management system (6 divisions)  Restricted usage of reward found (only for Seed and Fertilizer)  Quality oriented activities ensure the sustainability(checking varieties of rice in the field and sample testing)  Strengthening of social asset (Brand painting competition )

8 Farmers Collector/Wholesaler Miller International Exporter International Exporter Domestic Trader Retailer Consumer Wholesaler Retailer Consumer Farmer Cooperative in Ban Talung Lek BAAC Agricultural Central Market K.M.C Inter Rice Co., Ltd

9 ActorsFarmerFarmer’ s Org Collecto r Wholesal er MillerExporte r Trader Farmer-Cooper. -Ex-Info -Ex-Seed -Ex-labor -Seed credit -Fertilize r credit -Pay member fee -Sell pro. -SellN/A Farmer’s Org. -Pro- input credit -Sell seed to farmer -Buy pro. -Training -Ex-Info. -Ex-Seed -Sell pro. -Ex-Info. -Sell pro. - Ex-Info. -Sell pro. -Ex-Info. N/A-Sell pro. -Ex-Info.

10 ActorsFarmerFarmer’s Org Collecto r Wholesa ler MillerExporte r Trader Collector-Buy pro. -Share info. of price & market -Buy pro. -Share info. of price & market -Share info. -Sell pro. -Ex-Info. -Sell pro. -Ex-info. N/A-Sell pro. -Ex-inof. Wholesale r -Buy pro. -Share info. - Contra. -Buy pro. -Share info. - Training -Buy pro -Ex-Info - Ex-info.-Sell pro. -Ex-Info. -Sell pro. -Ex-Info. -Sell pro. -Ex-Info. Miller-Buy pro - Ex-Info. -Buy pro. -Ex-info. -Buy pro. -Ex-info. -Buy pro. -Ex-info. N/A-Sell pro. - Ex-Info. -Sell pro. - Ex-Info. ExporterN/A -Buy pro. -Ex-Info. N/A TraderN/A-Buy pro. -Share info -Buy pro. -Share info -Buy pro. -Share info -Buy pro. -Share info N/A-Share info.






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