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ZveřejnilLuděk Jelínek
Mgr. Alena Miklíčková
* Obrázky určené k popisu a srovnání * Soubor otázek k diskusi na dané téma * Jednotlivé otázky s ukázkami slovní zásoby * Zadání konverzační situace k tématu včetně jednotlivých podbodů * Seznam použitých zdrojů * Řešení
* Where can you go to entertain yourself during the weekend? * What kind of public services are there in your town? * Describe one of the traditional events in your village/town. * Which places of interest could you recommend for visiting? * How could you describe the changes in your neighbourhood?
Useful vocabulary: cinema – café – art gallery - cultural events – sport centre - gym – festivals – outdoor activities – indoor activities – take part in – have fun
Useful vocabulary: public library – public transportation – public housing – telecommunication – health care – social services – old people´s home – volunteers - environmental policy
Useful vocabulary: festival – open-air folk museum – folk costume – vintage – folk craft – folkloric group – wine tasting – cuisine – characteristic – annual – visited by
Useful vocabulary: sights - ruins – wind mill – fort – observation tower – town hall – spa - vineyards – protected area – folk museums – attractive – unforgettable – significant
Useful vocabulary: landscape – polluted – ruined – run-down – rebuild – replace – restore - renew – previous - attract - current – in comparison with
You and your friend will guide a group of people from abroad who come to visit your region. You are supposed to come up with ideas for a weekend trip. Discuss the following issues with your friend and present your conclusion.
* places you would like to visit in your village/town * places you would like to visit in your neighbourhood * the mean of transport you will use if you need * things you will prepare for them (leaflets, brochures, …)
* Hudson river sailboat. In: [online]. 2009 [cit. 2012-12-16]. Dostupné z: t.jpg
* Popis obrázků: vlastní odpovědi studentů * Otázky k diskusi: vlastní odpovědi studentů * Konverzační situace: vlastní odpovědi studentů
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