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201 4 MUTATIONS Výukový materiál GE 02 - 60 Tvůrce: Mgr. Šárka Vopěnková Tvůrce anglické verze: ThMgr. Ing. Jiří Foller Projekt: S anglickým jazykem do.

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Prezentace na téma: "201 4 MUTATIONS Výukový materiál GE 02 - 60 Tvůrce: Mgr. Šárka Vopěnková Tvůrce anglické verze: ThMgr. Ing. Jiří Foller Projekt: S anglickým jazykem do."— Transkript prezentace:

1 201 4 MUTATIONS Výukový materiál GE 02 - 60 Tvůrce: Mgr. Šárka Vopěnková Tvůrce anglické verze: ThMgr. Ing. Jiří Foller Projekt: S anglickým jazykem do dalších předmětů Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.1.36/03.0005 Tento projekt je spolufinancován ESF a SR ČR

2  factors conditioning genetic variability:  segregation of chromosomes  recombination of chromosomes  connecting of pair alleles by fertilization  the number of alleles does not changes > gene quality does not change  new combinations form GENETIC VARIABILITY

3  mutations:  number of alleles changes or new ones arise  quality and quantity of genes changes  hereditary changes of genetic information

4  impact and change of particular genes  their substance is molecular  they are caused by:  loss of one pair of nucleotides  inserting of redundant nucleotid pair  exchanging of physiological nucleotide with a non physiological GENE MUTATIONS

5  change of the codon occurs  fault in the proteosynthesis GENE MUTATIONS

6  chromosome number in the cell changes  polyploidy:  it multiplies simple chromosome sets  3n triploidy  4ntetraploidy  aneuploidy:  chromosome number increased or decreased  2n + 1trisomy  2n – 1 monosomy GENOME MUTATIONS

7  polyploidy : common by plants  aneuploidy:  always the cause of defects at the health of the host  malfunctions of meiosis  malfunctions of fertility GENOME MUTATIONS

8  spontaneous mutations:  they arise random  very low occurrence  indicated mutations:  evocated by the activity of so called mutagenic factors GENOME MUTATIONS

9  physical mutagens:  gamma radiation  X ray radiation  UV radiation  chemical mutagens:  aromatic chlorine derivates  alkaloids  cations of heavy metals GENOME MUTATIONS

10  conclusion:  the most mutations damage their hosts  a part of mutations is of no account  an insignificant part of mutations is advantageous for the bearer >  internal source of hereditary variability  it increases the adaptability of the species  basic condition of the evolution MUTATIONS

11 Determine where is genome mutation WORKSHEET

12  CHALUPOVÁ-KARLOVSKÁ, Vlastimila. Obecná biologie: středoškolská učebnice : evoluce, biologie buňky, genetika : s 558 řešenými testovými otázkami. 2., opr. vyd. Olomouc: Nakladatelství Olomouc, 2010, 206 s. ISBN 978-80-7182-282-0 SOURCES

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