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ZveřejnilMiroslava Němcová
Název školy : Základní škola a mateřská škola, Svoboda nad Úpou, okres Trutnov Autor : Bc. Lucie Ševčíková Datum : 19. 10. 2012 Název : VY_22_INOVACE_2.2.1 AJ6,7k_23 Téma : The Festivals Ročník : 6. a 7. Číslo projektu : CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.3068
Tento digitální učební materiál přibližuje formou kvízu důležitá data a svátky v anglofonních zemích. Na základě přečteného textu žáci hádají ze tří možností o jaký svátek se jedná. Prezentace je doplněna i videoukázky z oslav.
17th March, the national day of Ireland, when people wear green clothes and go to the pubs to drink Guinness. Columbus Day St. Patrick´s Day Easter
14th February, a day when people celebrate a romantic love and send cards or give red roses or chocolate to the person they love. Traditionally the card is not signed. The person who receives it has to guess who it is from. April Fool´s Day Mother´s Day St. Valentine´s Day
31st October, especially in the US, children dress up as witches or ghosts and knock on people´s door asking: “trick or treat”. People usually give them sweets or small presents. Halloween Thanksgiving Guy Fawkes´Night
5th November, in the UK, a day when people light bonfires and let off fireworks. It is done to remember the time when Guy Fawkes, tried but failed to destroy the Houses of Parliament with gunpowder in 1605. Halloween Guy Fawkes´Night Thanksgiving
25th December, it is the birthday of Jesus Christ. People give each other presents and decorate their homes. Easter New Year´s Eve Christmas Day
The fourth Sunday in Lent, when people in the UK give presents cards or chocolate to their mother. In the US it is the 2nd Sunday in May. Mother´s Day Valentine´s Day Easter
31st December, people go to parties and when the midnight comes they say Happy New Year to each other, kiss and sing a song Auld Lang Syne. Christmas Day New Year´s Eve Indenpendence Day
In March or April it is the central religious feast when Christians celebrate resurrection of Jesus. Easter Christmas Day April Fool´s Day
The fourth Thursday in November, the national day in the US, when people remember how, in 17th century, Native Americans helped English people who had come to live in America. Christmas Day Easter Thanksgiving
4th July, a national holiday when the people of the US celebrate their independence from England in 1776 with parades, picnics and fireworks. Guy Fawkes´Night Indenpendence Day New Year´s Eve
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