MATURITA TOPICS Australia_General facts I_16

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1 MATURITA TOPICS Australia_General facts I_16
ANJ_Maturita MATURITA TOPICS Australia_General facts I_16 Mgr. Filip Soviš

2 Anotace Materiál nastiňuje základní obecná fakta k maturitnímu tématu Australia & New Zeland. Část první. Umožňuje použití pro samostatnou práci. Je možné jej poskytnou nepřítomným žákům. Autor Mgr. Filip Soviš (Autor) Jazyk Angličtina Očekávaný výstup 23–41–M/01 Strojírenství 26-41-M/01 Elektrotechnika 53-41-M/01 Zdravotnický asistent 65-42-M/01 Hotelnictví Speciální vzdělávací potřeby - žádné - Klíčová slova Australia, General facts I Druh učebního materiálu Prezentace Druh interaktivity Kombinované Cílová skupina Žák Stupeň a typ vzdělávání odborné vzdělávání Typická věková skupina let Vazby na ostatní materiály Je součástí ANJ konverzace

3 Australia PART I Basic Facts States and Territories Languages, Flag
History Native People Political system Other

4 What basic facts do you know about Australia?
from Latin Terra Australis = "southern land" both the world's largest island and smallest continent south of Asia between the Indian and Pacific oceans in the southern hemisphere six states and two territories about 20 million people, the lowest density in the world official language is English the flag: the Union Jack + white seven-pointed star known as the Commonwealth Star and the Southern Cross big distances - communicate through radio, helicopters AustE: "Oz" for Australia, "Poms" = Englishmen, "roo" = a kangaroo

5 Australia Could you tell me something specific about Australia's individual states? 6 individual states: Western Australia (Perth) the largest state natural resources (e.g. iron ore, diamonds, coal) Queensland (Brisbane) referred to as the "Sunshine State" South Australia (Adelaide) quite dry and famous for its wines

6 Australia 2 territories: New South Wales (Sydney)
the oldest and most populous state Victoria (Melbourne) quite small but many people Tasmania (Hobart) an island south of Australia named after the Dutchman Abel Tasman (1642), called "the apple isle" home to Tasmanian devil much colder than the rest of Australia 2 territories: The Australian Capital Territory (Canberra) Northern Territory (Darwin)

7 What do you know about Australian history?
settled by indigenous Australians about 50,000 years ago discovered by the Dutch (Willem Janszoon) in the 17th century in 1770 Captain James Cook landed in Botany Bay (today's Sydney) and claimed Australia for Britain in 1788 the first colony established in today's Sydney Harbour (January 26 - now a public holiday) originally as a penal colony (about 1,000 colonists) in the 1850s gold discovered an independent nation in 1901 in 1927 Canberra declared as the national capital

8 What do you know about Australian native people?
the Aborigines from Asia on foot before the Ice Age about 40,000 years ago now in reserves mostly hunter-gatherer about 250 languages spoken at the time

9 Who is the head of the state?
Australia Who is the head of the state? a federation of independent states member of the British Commonwealth of Nations official title is the Commonwealth of Australia the head is the monarch of the UK, currently Queen Elizabeth II her representative at the federal level is the Governor General her representative at the state level it is the governor

10 What can you tell me about the Australian system of government?
the federal government led by the prime minister the government in individual states led by the premier the parliament in Canberra, two chambers (houses): the Senate and the House of Representatives voting compulsory

11 Australia How would you travel to Australia?
How do Australians celebrate Christmas? Are there any similarities between Australia and New Zealand?

12 Bibliografické citace
BRIDGE. Australia [online] [cit ]. Soubor typu PDF. Dostupné z: BURNIE, Glen a Rob RAESIDE. Flags of the World. CRW Flags' Online Catalog [online] , [cit ]. Dostupné z: LEOPOLD, Corey. Uluru, helicopter view, croped [online] [cit ]. Obrázek typu JPEG, Creative Commons. Dostupné z: SMITH-DLUHÁ, Gabrielle. Angličtina: otázky a odpovědi nejen k maturitě. 1. vyd. Dubicko: INFOA, 2007, 231 s. Zrcadlový text. ISBN

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