OZNAČENÍ MATERIÁLU: AJ164 NÁZEV VZDĚLÁVACÍHO MATERIÁLU: Great Britain, The United Kingdom NÁZEV ŠKOLY: Základní škola, Znojmo, Václavské nám. 8 ČÍSLO PROJEKTU:

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1 OZNAČENÍ MATERIÁLU: AJ164 NÁZEV VZDĚLÁVACÍHO MATERIÁLU: Great Britain, The United Kingdom NÁZEV ŠKOLY: Základní škola, Znojmo, Václavské nám. 8 ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.3337 KLÍČOVÁ AKTIVITA: II/2 TÉMA HODINY: Anglicky mluvící země ROČNÍK: 5., 6. PŘEDMĚT: Anglický jazyk AUTOR MATERIÁLU: Mgr. Helena Šteflová DRUH UČEBNÍHO MATERIÁLU: Prezentace POPIS PRÁCE S MATERIÁLEM: Žáci získají základní informace MEZIPŘEDMĚTOVÉ VZTAHY: Vlastivěda, zeměpis Zdroj: cs.wikipedia.org

2 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland

3 Great Britain is the official title for the union of England, Scotland and Wales. Great Britain and Nothern Ireland form the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom together with Canada, Australia, New Zealand and some other territories form the British Commonwealth of Nations.

4 The British Flag The flag is officially called the Union Flag but is known as the Union Jack.

5 The flag is made up of the crosses of the patron saints of England (St George´s red cross on a white field), Ireland (St Patrick´s red diagonals on a white field) and Scotland (St Andrew´s white diagonals on a blue field. Wales is not represented.

6 Britain is a beautiful country with lots of places of interest and attractive countryside. Loch Ness is famous for its monster but it isn´t the largest lake. The Scottish Highlands with Ben Nevis are the highest mountains in the British Isles.

7 Stonehenge is a huge circle of standing stones. It was built by early inhabitants.

8 Britain is a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarch as a head of State. The Royal Family Queen Elizabeth II Prince William and his wife Catherine Prince George

9 The Government The Prime Minister – David Cameron No.10, Downing street, the official residence of the Prime Minister Parliament The House of Commons The House of Lords The Houses of Parliament (Westminster Palace)

10 LONDON is the capital city of Great Britain, it´s on the river the Thames. Trafalgar Square Piccadilly Circus and a red double-decker bus Tower bridge

11 Westminster Palace The Great Westminster Clock; the bell within the clock tower is named Big Ben Buckingham Palace It´s the official London residence of the Queen.

12 Westminster Abbey Many English kings and queens were crowded and burried in it. University College London

13 London Eye London Heathrow Airport

14 Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland.

15 Cardiff is the capital city of Wales

16 Belfast is the capital city of Nothern Ireland

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