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Prezentace se nahrává, počkejte prosím

CONTRACTS. a contract = a binding agreement between two or more parties that is enforceable by law.

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Prezentace na téma: "CONTRACTS. a contract = a binding agreement between two or more parties that is enforceable by law."— Transkript prezentace:


2 a contract = a binding agreement between two or more parties that is enforceable by law

3 vocabulary binding =

4 vocabulary binding = závazný

5 vocabulary enforceable =

6 vocabulary enforceable = vynutitelný

7 vocabulary navrhnout smlouvu = uzavřít smlouvu = splnit smlouvu = porušit smlouvu = ukončit/vypovědět smlouvu =

8 vocabulary navrhnout smlouvu = to draft a contract uzavřít smlouvu = to make/form/conclude/ enter into a contract splnit smlouvu = to fulfill / to execute a c. porušit smlouvu = to break / to breach a c. ukončit/vypovědět smlouvu = to terminate a contract

9 vocabulary smluvní podmínky =

10 vocabulary smluvní podmínky = contractual terms

11 vocabulary v souladu se smlouvou =

12 vocabulary v souladu se smlouvou = in accordance with the contract

13 CONTRACTS essential elements???

14 CONTRACTS essential elements –Offer and acceptance –Valuable consideration –Terms are certain / mutual assent –Intention to be legally bound –Capacity of contractors –Legal subject-matter

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