MATURITA TOPICS New Zealand_General facts I_18

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1 MATURITA TOPICS New Zealand_General facts I_18
ANJ_Maturita MATURITA TOPICS New Zealand_General facts I_18 Mgr. Filip Soviš

2 Anotace Materiál nastiňuje základní obecná fakta k maturitnímu tématu Australia & New Zealand. New Zealand - část první. Umožňuje použití pro samostatnou práci. Je možné jej poskytnou nepřítomným žákům. Autor Mgr. Filip Soviš (Autor) Jazyk Angličtina Očekávaný výstup 23–41–M/01 Strojírenství 26-41-M/01 Elektrotechnika 53-41-M/01 Zdravotnický asistent 65-42-M/01 Hotelnictví Speciální vzdělávací potřeby - žádné - Klíčová slova New Zealand, General facts I Druh učebního materiálu Prezentace Druh interaktivity Kombinované Cílová skupina Žák Stupeň a typ vzdělávání odborné vzdělávání Typická věková skupina let Vazby na ostatní materiály Je součástí ANJ konverzace

3 New Zealand PART I Basic Facts States and Territories Languages, Flag
History Political system Tourist attractions Other

4 What basic facts do you know about New Zealand?
named after a part of Holland – Zealand the Maori name is Aotearoa = "land of the long white cloud" an island nation in the South Pacific - 2,000 km southeast of Australia, quite isolated two large islands: North and South - hilly and picturesque with rocks, volcanoes, hot springs, mud pools and geysers about 4 million people English and Maori are both the official languages the flag: the Union Jack and the Southern Cross devided into counties New Zealanders are called "kiwis" as well

5 What do you know about New Zealand's history?
Maori first settled here in the 13th century (before that no human settlement) in 1642 the Dutchman Abel Tasman the first European later Captain James Cook claimed the country for Great Britain in 1769 in the early 19th century the Musket Wars (inter‑tribal conflicts, many Maori dead) in 1840 Maori chiefs and British officials signed the Treaty of Waitangi (= sovereignty to the British Crown) the first country in the world to give women the vote in 1893 in 1907 NZ gained dominion status (no longer a colony of Britain) in both World Wars

6 What do you know about New Zealand's native people?
the Maoris originally cannibals of Polynesian origin came by canoes their own civilization based around tribal communities

7 Who is the head of the state?
New Zealand Who is the head of the state? a part of the British Commonwealth of Nations a constitutional monarchy the head is the monarch of the UK, currently Queen Elizabeth II his / her representative is the Governor General

8 What can you tell me about the New Zealand's system of government?
the head of government is the prime minister based on the British parliamentary system (three branches) the parliament is unicameral (single‑chambered)

9 New Zealand How would you travel to New Zealand?
How do New Zealanders celebrate Christmas? Are there any similarities between Australia and New Zealand?

10 Bibliografické citace
BRIDGE. New Zealand [online] [cit ]. Soubor typu PDF. Dostupné z: BURNIE, Glen a Rob RAESIDE. Flags of the World. CRW Flags' Online Catalog [online] , [cit ]. Dostupné z: BRIODY, David. Tasman Valley - Aoraki Mount Cook - Canterbury [online] [cit ]. Obrázek typu JPEG, Creative Commons. Dostupné z: SMITH-DLUHÁ, Gabrielle. Angličtina: otázky a odpovědi nejen k maturitě. 1. vyd. Dubicko: INFOA, 2007, 231 s. Zrcadlový text. ISBN

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