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ZveřejnilEster Dostálová
Název a adresa školy: Střední odborné učiliště stavební, Opava, příspěvková organizace, Boženy Němcové 22/2309, 746 01 Opava Název operačního programu:OP Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost, oblast podpory 1.5 Registrační číslo projektu:CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0713 Název projektu:Zvyšování klíčových aktivit Předmět, ročník:Anglický jazyk, 3. ročník Název sady vzdělávacích materiálů: Grammar Pre-intermediate Sada číslo:ICT-63 Pořadové číslo vzdělávacího materiálu: 16 Označení vzdělávacího materiálu: VY_32_INOVACE_ICT-63-16 Téma vzdělávacího materiálu:Modals II (must x have to) Druh učebního materiálu:Prezentace Autor:Mgr. Vlasta Galisová Anotace: Prezentace si všímá modálního slovesa must a dále slovesa have to. Představuje vhodné použití obou sloves, upozorňuje na významové rozdíly v negativních formách sloves. Metodické poznámky:Materiál je vhodný pro maturitní obory. Datum vytvoření:12. 3. 2013 Ověření ve výuce:22. 4. 2013
Modals II (must x have to)
I love the first bit of the morning, the bit of the day that no one has used yet, The part that is so clean You must wipe your feet before you walk out into it. (Coral Rumble) People tell you all the time, Poems do not have to rhyme. It’s often better if they don’t And I’m determined this one won’t. (Wendy Cope) I have a fairy by my side Which says I must not sleep, When once in pain I loudly cried it said ‛You must not weep’ (Lewis Carroll)
must - affirmative In affirmative sentences, we use must when we mean ‛This is necessary’. I must get up early tomorrow. The film is brilliant. You must see it. You must fill in this form. I must visit my hairdresser. My hairstyle is horrible.
must - question In question, we use must when we mean ‛Is this really necessary?’ Must we tell the police when we change addresses? Must you be so noisy? Must I go with you?
have to Have to is not modal verb, but it is used very like must. There is only a very little difference in the meaning. Must has no past (musted) or infinitive (to must) same as must. Instead, we use had to and (to) have to. We use have when we want to say ‛This is necessary’; ‛Is this necessary? ’
have to - examples You have to drive on the left in Britain. Peter has to work on Saturdays. I have to go to the Prague for a meeting every month. Do you have to have a uniform at school? Does your brother have to take a lunch to school?
don’t have to mustn’t don’t have to x mustn’t mustn’tmust not We use mustn’t or must not when we mean ‛Don’t do this!’. don’t/do not have to We use don’t/do not have to when we mean ‛This isn’t necessary.’. You mustn’t smoke here. You mustn’t take pictures here. Peter doesn’t have to work on Saturdays. I don’t have to have a uniform at school.
had to Must has no past or future: musted; will must. We use had to for the past of both must and have to. My father had to leave school at sixteen. Did you have to pay it? Peter doesn’t have to work on Saturdays. I didn’t have to work last weekend.
will have to Must has no past or future: musted; will must. We use will have to for the future of both must and have to. Maria will have to start school next month. Will you have to pay? Peter won’t have to work on Saturdays.
Literatura CARTER, R., McCARTHY, M. Cambridge Grammar of English. 1. vyd. Cambridge: CUP, 2006. ISBN 0-521-67439-5. DAVIS, F., RIMMER, W. Active Grammar with answers: Level 1. 1. vyd. Cambridge: CUP, 2011. ISBN 978-0-521-73251-2. SWAN, M., WALTER, C. Oxford English Grammar Course Basic. 1. vyd. Oxford: OUP, 2011. ISBN 978-0-19-442077-8.
Tasks: 1) Use have to in an affirmative sentence. 2) Use have to in a negative sentence. 3) Use must in an affirmative sentence. 4) Use must in a negative sentence. 5) How you can express the future and the past?
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