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ZveřejnilIvo Müller
Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/04.0002 je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky. Tutorial: Engineering Technology Topic: Plastic VII. – Presswork Prepared by: Ing. Vladislav Zelinka
Engineering TECHNOLOGY Plastic Presswork
Briefly: Plastic presswork into various shapes is most suitable for thermoset composed of several component parts complemented by filler or short fiber. Process is more complicated than jetting because it is proceeded in four steps. At least, the process can be fully automated.
Verbal process: 1. Filler fills the mold with preheated powder – thermoset mixture, hardener and catalyst. 2. Upper part of the press presses mixture in the mold and at the same time it is heated and that is why it melts and pours together. 3. Upper part of the press rises and completed hardened part is elevated by ejector. 4. Filler shifts completed part aside the mold at next batch.
Pictural principle: Thermoset powder Filler Upper part of the mold Lower part of the mold slide heating Upper ejector Lower ejector extrudate Filler Procedure of press forming
Because the setting in mold takes several minutes, one rotary extruder is enough to supply upto 8 hardened presses which are sequenced around it in circle.
Summary: Plastic presswork into various shapes is most suitable for thermoset composed of several component parts complemented by filler or short fiber. Process is more complicated than jetting because it is proceeded in four steps. At least, the process can be fully automated.
ACTIVITY I.: Decide and choose the best solution of the problem: 1.) Extrudate has its complete time of hardening about 5 minutes. Can we shorten the time ourselves? Yes / No / It isn´t easy to determine 2.) Workshop ventilation has serious fault (breakdown) and its reparation is provided in several days. Do we continue at work? Yes / No / It isn´t easy to determine
ACTIVITY II.: Decide and choose the best solution of the problem: 3.) Extrudate ejection from the mold is broken. Will we do it by hands? Yes / No / It isn´t easy to determine 4.) There are fastening screws missing on the cover of heated body and the cover sometimes falls down and the body is easily accesible. Do we provide reparation immediately? Yes / No / It isn´t easy to determine
VOCABULARY shapeTvar HardenerTužidlo CatalystKatalyzátor HardeningVytvrzení EjectorVyhazovač Fillerdávkovač
Resources: * Wikipedie – internetová encyklopedie ( * Technická Univerzita Liberec ( * ENGEL CZ s.r.o. ( * Dillinger, J. a kol. Moderní strojírenství pro školu a praxi. Praha: EUROPA SOBOTÁLES, 2007. ISBN 978-80-86706-19-1. * Mužík, J. Management ve vzdělávání dospělých. Praha: EUROLEX BOHEMIA, 2000. ISBN 80-7361-269-7. * Operační program Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost, ESF 2007 – 2013. * Dostupné na: k-op-vzdelavani-pro-konkurenceschopnost
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