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ZveřejnilDaniel Pavlík
Obchodní akademie a Střední odborná škola, gen. F. Fajtla, Louny, p.o. Osvoboditelů 380, Louny Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0644Číslo sady 39Číslo DUM 04 Předmět Cizojazyčné vzdělávání - Anglický jazyk Tematický okruh Cizojazyčná korespondence Název materiálu Writing a formal letter Autor Mgr. Nataliya Kolomiyets Datum tvorby leden 2014Ročník třetí Anotace Prezentace slouží k seznámení žáků s nejdůležitějšími body napsaní formálního dopisu. Metodický pokyn 1) snímky 3-11 jsou určeny k seznámení s pravidly napsaní formálního dopisu. 2) snímek 12 – žák rozhodne zda jsou daná tvrzení pravdivá či nepravdivá.,Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Mgr.Nataliya Kolomiyets. Dostupné z Metodického portálu ; ISSN 1802-4785. Provozuje Národní ústav pro vzdělávání, školské poradenské zařízení a zařízení pro další vzdělávání pedagogických pracovníků (NÚV).“
Salutation Address of a person you are writing to Date Your address Main body of your letter Sign and print your name Complimentary closing
Write your address (but not your name) in the top right-hand corner. The current date should be dislpayed just below your address on the right 29 Small Road, Bristol BV5 T27 23 March 2014
The address of a company you are writing to should be displayed on the left but below your address. Travel Together Central Office 158 Royal Avenue Bristol BW3 H78
Dear Sir or Madam, If you don‘t know the name of a person you‘re writing to. It‘s always advisable to try to find out a name. Dear Mr Black, If you know the name, use the title (Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms, Dr, etc.)
Yours sincerely, You know the person‘s name. Yours faithfully, You don‘t know the person‘s name and title. Dear Sir or Madam, Yours faithfully, Dear Mr Black, Yours sincerely,
Giving the reason for writing: I am writing to apply for … I am writing in reply to your letter of … Further to our conversation, I am writing to confirm … I am writing to enquire about … I am writing to complain about … I am writing to apologize for … I am writing with regard to your advertisement … I am writing regarding …
The main body of your formal letter should clearly state the points that you want to make in your letter. ask yourself what information the recipient should have and put that into the letter. Most letters in English are not very long, concentrate on organizing it in a clear and logical manner rather than expanding too much. Longer letters may be more appropriate when making a complaint.
The last paragraph of a formal letter should state what action you expect the recipient to take - to refund, send you information, etc. I would be grateful for/if … Could you possibly …? If you would like any further information, contact me … Would you mind … I would also like to know …
Finish with a polite expression, such as: I look forward to hearing from you. or I look forward to your reply/response. Write Yours sincerely (if you addressed the person by name) or Yours faithfully (if you didn‘t) Sign and print your full name
Are the statements about writing formal letters true or false? 1.It‘s normal to use short forms, like they‘re for they are, in formal letters. T/F 2.The language we use in formal letter is different to the language we use everyday. T/F 3.Write your address in the top right-hand corner. T/F 4.You don‘t need to use paragraphs in formal letters. T/F 5.You should only start your formal letter with ‚Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms + surname‘. T/F 6.If you start a letter with ‚Dear Sir or Madam‘, finish it with ‚Yours faithfully‘. T/F 7.Each paragraph should focus on one key topic. T/F 8.You should try to make formal letters as interesting as possible, for example by using a lot of adjectives and phrasal verbs. T/F 9.You should use indirect questions for asking the information. T/F 10.Write your signature below your printed full name. T/F
Key to the task 12345678910 FTTFFTTFFF
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