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ZveřejnilMiroslava Vítková
Základní škola Jakuba Jana Ryby Rožmitál pod Třemšínem Efektivní výuka pro rozvoj potenciálu žáka projekt v rámci Operačního programu VZDĚLÁVÁNÍ PRO KONKURENCESCHOPNOST Dangerous situation – 8.ročník
Dangerous situation an earthquake a volcanic eruption a tornado a hurricane a tsunami
Dangerous situation a flood an avalanche an explosion a lightning a forest fire
a situation in which water rises above its usual level and covers places that are normally dry a flood a situation in which the ground starts shaking, it usually causes great damage to houses, roads etc. an earthquake
a very very strong wind that causes much damage a very strong wind blowing in a circle, it can cause much damage a hurricane a tornado
a huge wave in the sea or ocean that destroys houses etc. on the coast a loud noise and a release of energy caused by a bomb going off, a volcano etc. a tsunami an explosion
a mountain with a crater that can explode and throw burning rocks into the air, emit hot lava etc. a lot of snow that comes down the side of a mountain and is dangerous for people a volcano an avalanche
the flash of light you can see in the sky when there is a storm a lightning a fire
Dangerous situation (8.ročník) Použitý software: držitel licence – ZŠ J. J. Ryby v Rožmitále p.Tř. Windows XP Professional Zoner - České kliparty 1, 2, 3 Učebnice Project 3, Tom Hutchinson Obrázky z internetu Autor: Linda Berková ZŠ J.J.Ryby v Rožmitále p.Tř. (
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