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Jana Hájková. * Obrázky určené k vyprávění a srovnání * Soubor otázek k diskusi na dané téma * Jednotlivé otázky s ukázkami slovní zásoby * Zadání konverzační.

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Prezentace na téma: "Jana Hájková. * Obrázky určené k vyprávění a srovnání * Soubor otázek k diskusi na dané téma * Jednotlivé otázky s ukázkami slovní zásoby * Zadání konverzační."— Transkript prezentace:

1 Jana Hájková

2 * Obrázky určené k vyprávění a srovnání * Soubor otázek k diskusi na dané téma * Jednotlivé otázky s ukázkami slovní zásoby * Zadání konverzační situace k tématu včetně jednotlivých podbodů * Seznam použitých zdrojů * Řešení

3 Francis Scott FitzgeraldErnest Hemingway

4 * Why do some people still read these days? * What are the different genres in literature and literary styles? * Comment on literature for children. * What might be some problems with reading? * Describe your reading experience in English.

5 Useful vocabulary: to entertain – to educate – to inspire – to motivate – to relax – to extend one´s horizons – to explore – to find amusement

6 Useful vocabulary: fiction – non-fiction – a novel – a short-story – a fairy-tale – drama – a play – a comedy – a tragedy – poetry – lyrical – epic – Realism – Romanticism – modernist – postmodern

7 Useful vocabulary: illustrated – illustrations – colourful – a comics – fairy-tales – the moral of the story – a character – to recite – to read aloud – to put to sleep

8 Useful vocabulary: a learning disorder – dislexia – dislexic – different patterns in the family – computer games – difficult to follow – a boring plot – too complex and complicated – not easy to follow

9 Useful vocabulary: abridged – unabridged – a dictionary – to skip – to misunderstand – a difficult read – to be able to follow without problems

10 Imagine you are supposed to create a reading group for your class. Discuss the following issues with your partner and present your conclusion:

11 * what kind of books would your group focus on? * how many books would you assign a month? * how often would you meet to discuss the books and where? * any other relevant item of your own choice

12 * Ernest Hemingway. In: [online]. 2013 [cit. 2013- 03-07]. Dostupné z: * F. Scott Fitzgerald. In: [online]. [cit. 2013-03-07]. Dostupné z:

13 Vlastní odpovědi studentů. Možné ukázky řešení k popisu obrázků: Francis Scott Fitzgerald – (1896-1940), novels e.g. The Great Gatsby (1925), Tender Is the Night (1934), wrote screenplays for Hollywood, wife Zelda mentally unstable Ernest Hemingway – (1899-1961), born in the Midwest, hunting with his father in his childhood, a war correspondent from Spain during the Spanish Civil War, novels e.g. A Farewell to Arms (1929), For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940), awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature for The Old Man and the Sea in 1954 both belonged to the „Lost Generation“, influenced by war experiences, lived in Paris for some time, addiction to alcohol, unhappy personal lives, both wrote novels and short stories;

14 differences in writing - Hemingway focused more on the war, hunting and other stereotypically more masculine activities, while Fitzgerald tended to be more interested in relationships and the depiction of certain social circles

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