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ZveřejnilHelena Machová
Gay / LGBT rights Název školyGymnázium Zlín - Lesní čtvrť Číslo projektuCZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0484 Název projektuRozvoj žákovských kompetencí pro 21. století Název šablonyIII/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Název DUMGay / LGBT rights Označení DUMVY_32_INOVACE_09_1_14 AutorMgr. Markéta Opluštilová Datum27. 1. 2013 Vzdělávací oblastJazyk a jazyková komunikace Vzdělávací oborAnglický jazyk Tematický okruhŽivotní styl Ročník2. - 4. ročník gymnázia
Basic terms Match the definitions with the expressions in the box. LGBT rights heterosexual homosexual bisexual transexual 1.a person who is attracted to the opposite sex 2.a person who is equally attracted to both sexes 3.rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people 4.a person who has undergone a sex change operation 5.a person who is attracted to the same sex heterosexual bisexual LGBT rights transexual homosexual
Word formation Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the brackets. 1.Gays have struggled to achieve ___________ (equal) before the law for several decades. 2.In many countries gays are not allowed to serve in the __________ (army) forces. 3.English language has a lot of ___________ (offence) words for gays and lesbians. 4.Prejudice-motivated ___________ (violent) is still one of the most common crimes. 5.Even in liberal countries gays have to fight ___________ (hate) and aversion in the general public. equality armed offensive violence hatred
Sentence completion - questions Complete the questions with the words from the box and answer them. 1.Should gays be granted the ______________ as heterosexuals? 2.Do you think that ____________ is still widespread in our society? 3.Should people ___________ their sexuality when they apply for a job? 4.Is it better when children grow up within a traditional ___________ context? 5.Do you think that same-sex couples should be allowed to _____________ children? 6.Is ____________________ legally recognized in our country? What do you think about it? declare bring up same rights family registered partnership homophobia same rights homophobia declare family bring up registered partnership
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