Translation Translate the following sentences from English into Czech. Vzor: I don’t like the translation of this book. Who translated it? Nelíbí se mi.

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Prezentace na téma: "Translation Translate the following sentences from English into Czech. Vzor: I don’t like the translation of this book. Who translated it? Nelíbí se mi."— Transkript prezentace:

1 Translation Translate the following sentences from English into Czech. Vzor: I don’t like the translation of this book. Who translated it? Nelíbí se mi překlad té knihy. Kdo ji přeložil? *Numbers 1-4 refer to Lesson 6, numbers 5-11 refer to Lesson 7, and numbers 12-18 refer to Lesson 8 of Contemporary Czech by Michael Heim.

2 Translation 1. I wonder where he is working now.

3 Translation 1. I wonder where he is working now. Jsem zvědav, kde ted’ pracuje. 2. What time is it? Do you have a watch? Where is the clock?

4 Translation 2. What time is it? Do you have a watch? Where is the clock? Kolik je hodin? Máte hodinky? Kde jsou hodiny? 3. Are you sure that you love me?

5 Translation 2. What time is it? Do you have a watch? Where is the clock? Kolik je hodin? Máte hodinky? Kde jsou hodiny? 3. Are you sure that you love me? Jsi si jist, že mě miluješ? 4. Czechs always visit us.

6 Translation 4. Czechs always visit us. Češi nás vždycky navštěvují. 5. Don’t believe him. He doesn’t tell the truth.

7 Translation 5. Don’t believe him. He doesn’t tell the truth. Nevěř(te) mu. Neříká pravdu. 6. Can you tell me what your opinion of the Czech people is? You may answer in English if you want to.

8 Translation 6. Can you tell me what your opinion of the Czech people is? You may answer in English if you want to. Můžete mi říci, jaký máte názor na český lid? Můžete odpovědět anglicky, jestli chcete.

9 Translation 7. There are almost three thousand professors at the university in Prague and 560 work at the Faculty of Arts and Letters.

10 Translation 7. There are almost three thousand professors at the university in Prague and 560 work at the Faculty of Arts and Letters. Je skoro tři tisíce profesorů na univerzitě v Praze a pět set šedesát pracuje na filozofické fakultě.

11 Translation 8. What is your main field? Tell us immediately!

12 Translation 8. What is your main field? Tell us immediately! Jaký je váš hlavný obor? Řeknete nám hned! 9. I would like to thank you for the book. I am glad that you were able to give it to me. In my opinion it is very interesting.

13 Translation 9. I would like to thank you for the book. I am glad that you were able to give it to me. In my opinion it is very interesting. Chtěl bych vám poděkovat za knihu. Jsem rád, že jste mi ji mohl dát. Podle mého názoru je velmi zajímavá.

14 Translation 10. I lost page one hundred eighty-two in my Slovak dictionary.

15 Translation 10. I lost page one hundred eighty-two in my Slovak dictionary. Ztratil jsem stranku sto osmdesát dvě ve svém slovníku slovenštiny. 11. I had just paid for the translation when she called.

16 Translation 11. I had just paid for the translation when she called. Právě jsem zaplatil za překlad, když zavolala. 12. There are many strange ideas in all the articles he reads.

17 Translation 12. There are many strange ideas in all the articles he reads. Je mnoho divných myšlenek ve všech článcích, které čte. 13. Karel should have invited us. He has become a good professor, but he doesn’t think about his friends anymore, does he? Maybe he will call us next time.

18 Translation 13. Karel should have invited us. He has become a good professor, but he doesn’t think about his friends anymore, does he? Maybe he will call us next time. Karel nás musel pozval. Stal se dobrým profesorem, ale už nemyslí na své/svoje přátele, že ne? Třeba nám zavolá příště.

19 Translation 14. I like to read magazines which are produced in the West.

20 Translation 14. I like to read magazines which are produced in the West. Mám rád číst časopisy, které vydávají na západě. 15. Show me where the penguins live. In the north? No, they live in the south.

21 Translation 15. Show me where the penguins live. In the north? No, they live in the south. Ukaž mi, kde žijí tučňáci. Na severu? Ne, žijí na jihu. 16. I cannot get used to Czech beer. Why not? Everyone drinks it.

22 Translation 16. I cannot get used to Czech beer. Why not? Everyone drinks it. Nemohu/nemůžu si zvykat na české pivo. Proč ne? Všichni ho pijí. 17. Have you noticed that Milan likes to use the expressions „Watch out!“ and „Everything is settled“?

23 Translation 17. Have you noticed that Milan likes to use the expressions „Watch out!“ and „Everything is settled“? Všiml jste si, že Milan má rád používat výrazy „Pozor!“ a „Všechno je v pořádku“? 18. Describe the place where you worked then.

24 Translation 18. Describe the place where you worked then. Popiš(te) místo, kde jsi (jste) pracoval tehdy.

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