Název a adresa školy: Střední odborné učiliště stavební, Opava, příspěvková organizace, Boženy Němcové 22/2309, 746 01 Opava Název operačního programu:OP.

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Prezentace na téma: "Název a adresa školy: Střední odborné učiliště stavební, Opava, příspěvková organizace, Boženy Němcové 22/2309, 746 01 Opava Název operačního programu:OP."— Transkript prezentace:

1 Název a adresa školy: Střední odborné učiliště stavební, Opava, příspěvková organizace, Boženy Němcové 22/2309, 746 01 Opava Název operačního programu:OP Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost, oblast podpory 1.5 Registrační číslo projektu:CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0713 Název projektu:Zvyšování klíčových aktivit Předmět, ročník:Anglický jazyk, 3. ročník Název sady vzdělávacích materiálů: Grammar Pre-intermediate Sada číslo:ICT-63 Pořadové číslo vzdělávacího materiálu: 17 Označení vzdělávacího materiálu: VY_32_INOVACE_ICT-63-17 Téma vzdělávacího materiálu:Modals III (should, ought to, might, may) Druh učebního materiálu:Prezentace Autor:Mgr. Vlasta Galisová Anotace: Prezentace si všímá modálních sloves should, ought to, might, may. Představuje vhodné použití těchto modálních sloves a upozorňuje na významové rozdíly. Metodické poznámky:Materiál je vhodný pro maturitní obory. Datum vytvoření:13. 3. 2013 Ověření ve výuce:26. 4. 2013

2 Modals III (should, ought to, might, may)

3 Guests in Mexico should always leave a little bit of food on their plate. This shows they are not hungry. Here are some things you should remember if you go to different countries. You should not touch somebody on the head in Thailand. The head is a special part of the body in Thai culture. You ought to knock loudly on doors in Nicarague - knocking softly is not polite. In Taiwan, you shouldnt give somebody an umbrella as a present. An umbrella will bring people bad luck. If you go to a restaurant in South Korea, you should take off your shoes. This is polite.

4 should Should has a similar meaning to must, but is not so strong. You should eat healthy food. We use should for suggestions, opinions and advice. You shouldn’t drive fast in the rain. Should I wear a tie?

5 ought to Ought to = should but it is much less common. Ought to is very rare in questions and negatives. You ought to be more polite.

6 ought to/should must ought to/should x must We use must to talk about what’s necessary. We use should/ought to to talk about what’s good. I must get a new passport, I’m travelling next month. I should eat more fruit, but I don’t like fruit.

7 may might may x might We may live without poetry, music and art; We may live without conscience, and live without heart; We may live without books; But civilised man cannot live without cooks. (Owen Meredith) We may live without poetry, music and art; We may live without conscience, and live without heart; We may live without books; But civilised man cannot live without cooks. (Owen Meredith) Science fiction is the literature of might be. (C.J.Cherryh) Science fiction is the literature of might be. (C.J.Cherryh)

8 may We use may to say that things are possible - perhaps. They are (not) true, or perhaps they will (not) happen. We may go to Poland at the weekend. We may not be here tomorrow. We don’t use may in this way in questions. It may snow. BUT NOT May it snow?

9 may not can’t may not x can’t He may not be home - I’ll phone and find out. ( = Perhaps he’s not at home...) He can’t be at home; he went to Slovakia this morning. ( = He’s certainly not at home...) We can use can’t to express great surprise or disbelief. Jane is going to marry John. It can’t be true.She hates him.

10 might We can use might in the same way as may especially if we are not so sure about thing, if the chance is less certain. Are you ill? Not, sure. I might have a cold. Or perhaps not. I might not be here tomorrow. Might is unusual in questions. We can also use could to talk about possibility.

11 Literatura CARTER, R., McCARTHY, M. Cambridge Grammar of English. 1. vyd. Cambridge: CUP, 2006. ISBN 0-521-67439-5. DAVIS, F., RIMMER, W. Active Grammar with answers: Level 1. 1. vyd. Cambridge: CUP, 2011. ISBN 978-0-521-73251-2. SWAN, M., WALTER, C. Oxford English Grammar Course Basic. 1. vyd. Oxford: OUP, 2011. ISBN 978-0-19-442077-8.

12 Tasks: 1) Use should/ought to in an affirmative sentence. 2) Use should/ought to in a negative sentence. 3) Express the difference between should and must in sentences. 4) Use may/might in an affirmative sentence. 5) Use may not and can’t in a sentence. Express the difference.


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