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ZveřejnilLaura Kučerová
Obchodní akademie a Střední odborná škola, gen. F. Fajtla, Louny, p.o. Osvoboditelů 380, Louny Číslo projektuCZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0644Číslo sady32Číslo DUM 11 PředmětAnglický jazyk Tematický okruhCizojazyčné reálie Název materiáluHistorical Prague AutorMgr. Iris Kernerová Datum tvorbyDuben 2014Ročníktřetí Anotace Historické památky v Praze. Metodický pokyn Stručný přehled historie města, fotografie a stručný popis historických míst. Na závěr otázky jako test pozornosti. Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Mgr. Iris Kernerová. Dostupné z Metodického portálu ; ISSN 1802-4785. Provozuje Národní ústav pro vzdělávání, školské poradenské zařízení a zařízení pro další vzdělávání pedagogických pracovníků (NÚV).
Historical Prague
The Capital Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic. It is situated in central Bohemia on both banks of the Vltava River. It has about 1.200.000 inhabitants. It is the centre of government, economics and culture. Prague is sometimes called “Prague of Hundred Spires”, “Golden Prague”, “Mother of Cities”. May be it is because of its numerous historical monuments of all periods and its church towers and domes. It has been the capital of the country since 1918. Since very long ago, Prague has been a very important political and social centre where the history of not only the Czech lands but of the whole Europe was made. 1992 - it was put on the UNESCO world cultural heritage list.
The History The city was founded by the Slavs who built a market on a crossroads of the trade routes near a ford over the Vltava River. It became a seat of Premyslid Princes and Czech kings and later Roman Emperors. With the king Charles IV the Golden Age of the city came - Prague was the biggest city on the continent at that time. During the Thirty Year’s War the town was plundered (1618- 1948). In 1942 the Reichprotektor Reinhard Heydrich was assassinated. The end of WWII came on the 8 th May 1945. “The Prague Spring” in 1968 was a year of political relief, which was soon interrupted by the Soviet invasion. The Velvet Revolution in 1989 ended the communism.
Vyšehrad Castle Historical fort built in the 10 th century on a hill over the Vltava River. According to a legend the location of the first settlement which later became Prague. Obr.28 Obr.29Obr.30 Obr.31 Obr.29 Obr.1 Obr.2
National Theatre This beautiful building in Neo-Renaissance style was built twice from money collected by people all around the country. It was finished in 1881 for the first time, but in just two months it was destroyed by a devastating fire. In 1883 it was reopened. Inside it was decorated by the best artists, for example Mikoláš Aleš. Obr.28 Obr.29Obr.30 Obr.31 Obr.29 Obr.3
Old Town Square Is surrounded with many beautiful houses built in different styles of architecture with Master Jan Hus Monument in the middle, the Tyne Church, St Nicolas Church and Kinsky Palace. Obr.4 Obr.5 Obr.6
Old Town Hall Astronomical Clock The Prague Orloj is the most famous place in Old Town square visited on the hour by many tourists to see the four figures set in motion, with Death (represented by a skeleton) striking the time and a presentation of the statues of twelve Apostles. Obr.7 Obr.8
Charles Bridge Is the most famous of the fifteen Prague bridges. It was built by Charles IV in gothic style in 1357. There are baroque statues and on both ends there is a tower. According to a legend eggs were added in to the mortar during the bridge construction. Obr.9 Obr.10Obr.11
Lesser Town It is a place below the Castle. Narrow, crooked streets, beautiful houses, palaces, gardens, numerous little beer houses, wine cellars and pubs are typical for this part of Prague. Obr.13 Obr.12 Obr.14
Nerudova Street The Street is named after famous writer Jan Neruda, who was born, lived and wrote about Lesser Town. It will take you up the hill to the Castle Square. There are many beautiful houses, some even with signs on their facades. Obr.15 Obr.16 Obr.17Obr.18
Prague Castle It is a block of palaces, administrative and religious buildings, fortresses and houses from all periods of history. In the past centuries, it was the seat of Czech princes and kings, and since 1918 it has been the seat of the president. Obr.19 Obr.20 Obr.21
St Vitus Cathedral The biggest and most important cathedral in the country dominates the whole complex of Prague Castle. It was founded in 1344 by Charles IV and finished in 1929. Obr.23 Obr.22 Obr.24
St Wenceslas Chapel The Crown Jewels The nicest chapel inside the St Vitus Cathedral is decorated with semi-precious stones, there are paintings about the life of St Wenceslas and his statue. A small door with seven locks leads to Crown Chamber with the Czech Crown Jewels (Crown of Saint Wenceslas, the royal orb and the sceptre). Obr.27 Obr.29Obr.26 Obr.28 Obr.25
St George Church The oldest religious site at the Castle is the best preserved Romanesque building in the whole country. The basilica was founded by Vratislavus I of Bohemia in 920. It is dedicated to Saint George. Obr.28 Obr.29Obr.30 Obr.31 Obr.29 Obr.30
Golden Lane According to a legend, alchemists lived and worked in 16 th century here. However, these houses were homes of the gunners of Emperor Rudolph II. Franz Kafka, Czech- Jewish writer used to write in the little blue house no. 22 for two years. Obr.28 Obr.29Obr.30 Obr.31 Obr.29 Obr.31
The Royal Garden Anne’s Summer Palace called Belvedere is a beautiful Renaissance building built for Anna, the wife of the Hapsburg ruler Ferdinand I in 16 th century. This garden was the first European home of tulips, which were brought here from Turkey. And from here they spread to the rest of the continent including the Netherlands. Obr.28 Obr.29Obr.30 Obr.31 Obr.29 Obr.32 Obr.33
Questions Answer the questions: 1. Where is Prague situated? 2. Who was it founded by? 3. When was Prague the biggest city on the continent? 4. What are the nicknames of Prague? 5. Since when has Prague Castle been the seat of Czech presidents? 6. Where are the Crown Jewels kept? 7. How many bridges crossing the Vltava river are there in Prague? 8. Which two writers are mentioned here? Obr.28
Answers Solutions: 1.Where is Prague situated? It is situated in central Bohemia on both banks of the Vltava River. 2. Who was it founded by? The city was founded by the Slavs who built a market on a crossroads of the trade routes near a ford over the Vltava River. 3. When was Prague the biggest city on the continent? With the king Charles IV the Golden Age of the city came - Prague was the biggest city on the continent at that time. 4. What are the nicknames of Prague? “Prague of Hundred Spires”, “Golden Prague”, “Mother of Cities” Obr.28
Answers Solutions: 5. Since when has Prague Castle been the seat of Czech presidents? Since 1918 6. Where are the Crown Jewels kept? Behind a small door with seven locks in St Wenceslas Chapel inside the St Vitus Cathedral 7. How many bridges crossing the Vltava river are there in Prague? Fifteen 8. Which two writers are mentioned here? Jan Neruda, Franz Kafka Obr.28
Zdroje obrázků Obr. 1-2Vlastní tvorba Obr. 3ZÖRNER, Patrick-Emil. Wikimedia Commons. Wikimedia Commons [online]. 2005-09-20. [cit. 2014-04-01]. Dostupné z: 20_n%C3%A1rodn%C3%AD_divadlo.jpg 20_n%C3%A1rodn%C3%AD_divadlo.jpg Obr. 4-14Vlastní tvorba Obr. 15 SAUBER, Wolfgang. Wikimedia Commons. Wikimedia Commons [online]. 2010-06-04. [cit. 2014-04-01]. Dostupné z: Obr. 16-25Vlastní tvorba Obr. 26Lamprus. Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia [online]. 2011-02-27. [cit. 2014-04-01]. Dostupné z: Obr. 27 SAUBER, Wolfgang. Wikimedia Commons. Wikimedia Commons [online]. 2010-06-04. [cit. 2014-04-01]. Dostupné z:
Zdroje obrázků Obr. 28-29Vlastní tvorba Obr. 30PRAZAK. Wikimedia Commons. Wikimedia Commons [online]. 2006-07-27. [cit. 2014-04-01]. Dostupné z: Obr.31M R A Z, Maros. Wikimedia Commons. Wikimedia Commons [online]. 2005- 07. [cit. 2014-04-01]. Dostupné z: _Zlata_ulicka.jpg _Zlata_ulicka.jpg Obr. 32Vlastní tvorba Obr. 33BLAHA, Karen. Wikimedia Commons. Wikimedia Commons [online]. 2008- 07-05. [cit. 2014-04-01]. Dostupné z:,_Letohr%C3%A1dek_k r%C3%A1lovny_Anny_02.jpg,_Letohr%C3%A1dek_k r%C3%A1lovny_Anny_02.jpg
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