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Číslo šablony: III/2 VY_32_INOVACE_P1_2.20 Tematická oblast: Festivals and Celebrations HOLIDAYS IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC II Typ: DUM - kombinovaný Předmět: AJ Ročník: 4. r. (6leté), 2. r. (4leté) Zpracováno v rámci projektu EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Zpracovatel: Mgr. Petra Bruková Gymnázium, Třinec, příspěvková organizace Datum vytvoření: prosinec 2012


3 Metodický list DUM seznamuje studenty se základními informacemi o státních svátcích v České republice v druhé polovině kalendářního roku formou prezentace . DUM procvičuje získané vědomosti pomocí cvičení v závěru prezentace. Součástí DUM je i řešení cvičení. Snímky se mohou využít k souvislému vypravování o jednotlivých státních svátcích. Obrázky slouží k popisu a zdůvodnění jejich souvislosti se státními svátky. Inovativnost materiálu spočívá ve využití ICT techniky. Klíčová slova: Saint Wenceslas Day, foundation of Czechoslovakia, International Students´Day, 1939, 1989

4 Saint Wenceslas Day 28 September, the patron saint of the Czech State,
brought up by his grandmother Ludmila, educated and intelligent, gained the throne at the age of eighteen, killed by his brother Boleslav in 935. 1)

5 a saint immediately after his death,
2) ) a saint immediately after his death, a cult of Wenceslas in Bohemia and England (carol – Good King Wenceslas), today – a pilgrimage to Stará Boleslav )

6 Wenceslas in a Legend Try to retell the legend. Use the phrases below.
army of knights, sleep inside, mountain Blaník, awake, under the command of St. Wenceslas, bring aid, face danger

7 Independent Czechoslovak State Day
28 October 1918, Czechoslovakia declared its independence from the Austro-Hungarian Empire, founded at the end of WWI, the president and politicians lay wreaths at statues of Masaryk. 5)

8 Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk
the first president, ) the order of T. G. Masaryk has been a state decoration since 1990, Masaryk University named after him, many statues, busts, names of squares commemorate Masaryk.

9 International Students´ Day
17 November, Jan Opletal, a student who died during demonstrations, 9 student leaders were executed on 7 November 1939, all Czech universities were closed down, Czechoslovakia became The Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia )

10 Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day 8)
a mass demostration of students in 1989, 15,000 people took part, a peaceful demonstration turned into a violent one, students were beaten by the police, students and actors went on a strike, the Velvet Revolution started, symbols – candles, keys, flowers, the anthem.

11 1. Match the words (A-E) with the definitions (1-5).
The killing of sb as a legal punishment. An organised refusal to work . A person who travels to a holy place for religious reasons. To teach sb at school. Make sth more beautiful by adding ornaments to it. educate pilgrim decorate execution strike

12 2.Complete the examples with the correct form of the words from exercise 1.
Wenceslas was a very …….and intelligent person. A guide organised a …….to Stará Boleslav on Saint Wenceslas Day. He was awarded a state ……for his brave act. He was ………for brutal murders. People went on a ………because they wanted a pay rise.

13 Řešení A4, B3, C5, D1, E2 educated, pilgrimage, decoration, executed, strike

14 Zdroje: HORNBY, Albert Sydney. Oxford advanced learner's dictionary of current English. 5th ed. Editor Jonathan Crowther. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995, x, 1428 s., [32] s. příloh. ISBN Zdroj textu – archiv autora

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