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ZveřejnilŠtěpánka Dvořáková
Mass media and advertising Název školyGymnázium Zlín - Lesní čtvrť Číslo projektuCZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0484 Název projektuRozvoj žákovských kompetencí pro 21. století Název šablonyIII/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Název DUMMass media and advertising Označení DUMVY_32_INOVACE_09_1_02 AutorMgr. Markéta Opluštilová Datum27. 1. 2013 Vzdělávací oblastJazyk a jazyková komunikace Vzdělávací oborAnglický jazyk Tematický okruhŽivotní styl Ročník2. - 4. ročník gymnázia
Definitions Match the expressions in the box with their definitions. 1.a type of newspaper that is interested in sensational news and gossip about famous people 2.sensational news reporting 3.selection of which events are reported and how they are covered 4.a type of advertisement which tries to reach the consumer through the Internet, mail, or telephone 5.advertising branded products in films, series, or books by showing them or speaking about them 6.a type of newspaper covering serious issues yellow journalism tabloids broadsheets product placement media bias direct advertising tabloids yellow journalism media bias direct marketing product placement broadsheets
Persuasive words used in ads Complete the table with the adjectives made from the words given. They are all used in adverts to make customers buy the products. sensation revolution miracle startle excite fascinate rely surprise terror profession attract depend sensational revolutionary miraculous startling exciting fascinating reliable surprising terrific professional attractive dependable
Sentence completion - questions Complete the questions with the words from the box. Then ask and answer the questions. 1.Do you think that ____________ along roads should be banned? 2.Do you ___________ to any newspapers or magazines? 3.Do you get ___________ from supermarkets into your post box? 4.Who is the __________ group of commercials promoting toys and sweets? 5.Which media do you usually use to ___________ with current affairs? 6.Do you think that adverts __________ people into buying products that they do not need? subscribe keep up billboards target leaflets manipulate billboards subscribe leaflets target keep up manipulate
Debate Ask and answer the following questions. 1.What mass media of communication do you know? 2.How much time do you spend with mass media? Could you do without them? 3.What do you think is the most reliable source of information? 4.Is it moral to report on private lives of celebrities? 5.Why do you think so many people like reading tabloids? 6.What do you think about direct marketing? 7.Can we trust information in advertisements? 8.What makes an advertisement successful / effective? 9.Can advertising be art? 10.It is said that advertising has become too aggressive. Do you agree?
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