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IBM technologie pro Cloud Computing

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1 IBM technologie pro Cloud Computing 11. 12. 2014. 18. 12
IBM technologie pro Cloud Computing Petr Leština Cloud Computing & Managed Services

2 Agenda IBM Technologie pro Cloud Computing
Představení IBM technologií pro cloud computing, OpenStack, CloudFoundry, BlueMix. Koncepty, rozvoj a roadmapa. Referenční architektura cloud řešení (stručný úvod) Softwarové technologie pro cloudová řešení nad OpenStackem SmartCloud Entry, SmartCloud Orchestrator - aneb jak budovat cloudová řešení. OpenStack vs komerční produkty pro cloud - role dodavatele (IBM) a jeho přidaná hodnota SoftLayer Představíme architekturu a možnosti datového centra (virtuální, fyzické servery, zabezpečení, load balancing, Firewally, HPC-High Performance Computing) i možnosti Virtuálního Privátníh cloudu. Možnosti ukládání dat (NAS, iSCSI, Storage Appliance) Případová studie Budování privátního cloudu u nadnárodní společnosti. Role virtualizace a cloud technologií, Praktické ukázky s prostředí formou screencamu (záznam obrazovek z řešení u klienta). Implementace Public cloudu pro mobilní řešení na ČZU Závěr

3 Jak je velký trh Cloud Computingu v ČR?
IDC předpokládá, že trh v oblasti veřejných cloudových služeb (public cloud) poroste v ČR v roce 2013 o 36.2% a CAGR (roční růst) je předpovídán 22,9% v následujících 5 letech. Trh privátních cloudů je predikován s růstem 22,2% v roce 2013 a CAGR (roční růst) je předpokládán 24.2% v následujících 5 letech.

4 Co je „Cloud Computing“ ? základní anatomie
Katalog služeb Implementace: Public Private Hybrid Co je „Cloud Computing“ ? základní anatomie Samoobslužný portál Typ služby Klient Implementační Modul - (provisioning) SaaS PaaS IaaS Další moduly Měření využití služby, účtování, monitorování, zabezpečení . . . Virtualizovaná HW infrastruktura Cloud computing je de fakto nový model kozumace (využívání) a poskytování IT služeb s využitím internetových technologií

5 Implementační modely Privátní Hybridní Veřejný
IT funkce je poskytována ”jako služba“ prostřednictvím intranetu, v rámci podniku a za firewallem Služba IT je integrována pro interní a externí konzumenty IT funkce poskytovány jako služba přes Internet Enterprise data center Managed private cloud IBM dodává Privátní U klienta v DC Operováno třetí stranou např. Business Partner Vlastní klient Vnitřní sít Hosted private cloud Enterprise IBM dodává Privátní U klienta v DC Vlastněno a operováno třetí stranou Vnitřní síť Bezpečnost Member cloud services A Enterprise B IBM dodává U klienta v DC Konzument interní/externí klient Sdílené infrastrukturní zdroje Sdílené lidské zdroje Externí: VPN přístup Public cloud services Users B Veřejný cloud IBM DC Sdílené/de- dikované zdroje Platba dle využití Internet připojení A Enterprise data center Private cloud IBM dodává Privátní U klienta v DC Klient provozuje/ spravuje Internal/Private: High level of interest and implementation today With continued opportunity into the future Hybrid: Likely to proliferate as public cloud options increase Public: Will increase over time as data security concerns subside and more apps become available 5

6 Oblasti nevhodné pro Cloud Computing
DevOps Disaster Recovery Archive Moving to Cloud Database Workloads Collaboration Risk & Compliance Web Applications Mature workloads Big Data & Analytics e-Commerce Isolated workloads Customer Service Applications with Sensitive Data Mobile Front Office / Desktop May be ready for Cloud Social Business 3rd Party Applications Development & Test Workloads Applications with complex processes & transactions By definition clouds are workload specific and need to be highly optimized to the work. For example, different workloads have very different architectural characteristics – think about how Google is optimized for search or massive reading, Amazon for web displaying, and Salesforce for a heavy multi-tenant environment. Those areas that have a high degree of affinity with the cloud model – technically and from a risk/reward perspective – include Infrastructure as a Service and Software as a Service solutions. Workloads that clients are adopting now include test and development, desktop, collaboration, storage, compute and analytics. All of these are highly standardized….the more standard the environments the better the economics are going to be. There are other workloads that will never move to the cloud due to regulations, criticality, or security concerns. And new workloads are being made possible due to the benefits of clouds - massive scalability and self-service, economies of scale – such as medical images, fraud detection, or energy management. IBM takes workloads into account when building our cloud solutions… IBM’s Cloud Approach Our cloud solutions are based on workloads, grounded in service management, and offer flexible delivery choices to help our clients create an infrastructure that is designed to support their business. Workload optimization Development and Test; Desktop; Collaboration; Analytics; Compute Rapid return-on-investment and productivity gain Deployment choices Public, private, hybrid We have Smart Business services, which are the private cloud and IBM cloud delivered solutions. . .these allow us to help clients build cloud-based infrastructures either on the IBM cloud – such as the Information Protection Services – or behind the clients’ firewall. We also have our Smart Business Systems, which are pre-integrated, purpose-built hardware and software systems that are optimized for a specific workload. We’ve introduced the new CloudBurst solution – a complete package that features one vendor, one order, a single packaged price, one install – all done by IBM. And the IBM Smart Analytics System – which integrates IBM’s powerful analytics software with power systems, storage and networking – to deliver an easy-to-deploy Smart Business System. Service Management: Service delivery, service request, service monitoring Lowers operational costs, drives efficiency, enhances security Delivering these new services -- on-demand and without interruption -- requires the datacenter to become even more highly automated. Hardware, software and processes must work seamlessly as a comprehensive service management system to optimize workloads and maintain service quality. We provide the service management layer where our clients can gain control over the operational dimension of cloud -- utilization, governance, security, etc. But service management doesn’t stop in the datacenter. You need to be able to manage the entire service lifecycle, across all areas of IT. Processes, tools and functions must be integrated and aligned across enterprise architecture, development and test, and IT operations. This is the focus of IT service management, and ITIL v3. Service management is the discipline that keeps your data center together. Consulting Services: I also know that many clients – and some of you might be in the audience – are still grappling with how to best leverage cloud within your own environment. To help with this, we’ve developed consulting services to help select appropriate workloads based on business impact to your business. We find using this entry points helps ensure success rates on first cloud projects. ERP / CRM Regulation Intensive Applications High Performance Computing Compute Workloads Not Ready for Cloud Highly customized applications Information Intensive Applications Business Processes (e.g. Expense Reporting) Storage Workloads Not yet virtualized applications Batch processing 6

7 Referenční architektura (CCRA) pro cloud computing
IBM Client Technical Professional Architect Workshop IBM Client Technical Professional Architect Workshop Referenční architektura (CCRA) pro cloud computing CCRA 3.0 Common Reference Architecture Foundation Cloud-enabled data center / building IaaS Platform Services Cloud Service Provider Building SaaS Agreguje IBM zkušenosti z implementací projektů cloud computingu Metodicky vede k návrhu IaaS, PaaS, SaaS cloudu Obsahuje micro-patterny a macro-patterny které definují architekturu, návrh a implementaci cloudu V návrhu (CCRA) je reflektována: Metodika pro klienty Cloud = Poskytování služeb Cloud služba formou SW/HW appliance Cloud funkce v samotných SW/HW produktech Extend the typical IT Service Management processes (ITIL processes) and the CMDB from the traditional date centers to include the services delivered in a cloud-like way. All of the ITIL processes also make sense in a cloud environment, but some of them (such as IT assets and license management) make even more sense in a cloud environment where things change raplidly. 7 7 7 © Copyright IBM Corp Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. © Copyright IBM Corp Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. © Copyright IBM Corp Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

8 Referenční architektura
IBM Client Technical Professional Architect Workshop IBM Client Technical Professional Architect Workshop Popisuje “Operational Services” a “Business Services” potřebné k implementaci různých cloud modelů Referenční architektura 8 8 8 © Copyright IBM Corp Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. © Copyright IBM Corp Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. © Copyright IBM Corp Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

9 5. Non-Functional Requirements
IBM Client Technical Professional Architect Workshop IBM Client Technical Professional Architect Workshop Fáze architektury End-to-End cloud computing řešení Porozumění Klientským požadavkům Definice požadavků na cloud High-level Design řešení Detailní Design Roadmapa & Project Client Specific 5. Non-Functional Requirements 10. Component Model Design and consider the components of the solution both at a physical and logical level, and their interaction. This slide provides more details about the individual phases employed to architect an end-to-end solution. This deck provides guidance, content, and best practices for each engagement stage. Client Specific 11. Operational Model Design and consider the components of the solution both at a physical and logical level, and their interaction. 14. Viability Assessment Assess the viability of the solution to meet the requirements, having the appropriate skills, and stakeholder buy-in of the technical components. 9 9 9 © Copyright IBM Corp Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. © Copyright IBM Corp Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. © Copyright IBM Corp Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

10 Topologie IaaS privátního cloudu – Generický pohled

11 Architektura obecného IaaS cloudu – Logical (vrstevný) pohled
Cloud exploting applications Cloud Operator Cloud end-user Cloud services developer Cloud Administrator Interfaces layer Service Orchestration Layer Service Management layer Service Delivery Layer Monitoring Users authentication & authorization Cloud Management APIs Cloud Services Modeling API Access layer Cloud Administration UI Cloud Services Development UI End-users self-service portal Capacity Mgmt Backup & Restore Security Compliance Patches Management Cloud Management UIs Cloud Administration APIs Cloud Service interaction APIs Orchestration Metering Public clouds adapter VMs provision & configuration Storage provision & configuration Network provision & configuration Images creation Images Mgmt Users and tenants Administration Cloud resources Administration VMs Patterns Provision ing Service Governance Layer Security Information mgmt Threat & vulnerability mgmt ITIL Services Management Accounting & chargeback Users & Customer Mgmt Entitlement Management Now you can see the macro-patterns I mentioned two slides ago: Simple IaaS Services (VMs) with Cloud Governance Advanced IaaS Services (VMs, Storage, Network, or Combinations) Advanced IaaS Services with Service Automation Infrastructure Layer VMs (Windows, AIX, Linux) Virtualization Environment (VMWare, KVM, HyperV, Xen, Power, zVM) Public Clouds (EC2, SCE, ..) LDAP Compute (X86, pSeries, zSeries) Storage (IBM, NetApp, EMC, Hitachi,,..) Network (CISCO, IBM, ...)

12 Jak na cloudová řešení…?
Pouze Open Source Proprietární technologie Open “Plus” něco navíc ‘Přizpůsobení nutné’ Uzamčení Enterprise-ready

13 Klíčové technologie Cloud Computing
Lifecycle Management Security Storage Compute Network Orchestration Provisioning Virtualization Hypervisor Page 4 shows a subset of key technologies that enable cloud computing and in the next few pages, I’d like to quickly step through each layer. Orchestration, provisioning, the hypervisor, virtualization and compute, network and storage are the key underpinnings of every cloud regardless of the service model we will discuss later in this lecture.

14 IBM ivestice do cloud produktů a akvizice cloud řešení …
Watson BlueMix Mobile Pure Systems Analytics IBM Cloud akvizice od roku 2007 Smarter Commerce Smarter Analytics Business Process as a Service Smarter Cities Smarter Workforce Watson solutions Software as a Service Software solutions Middleware solutions Platform as a Service SOFTLAYER IBM Cloud Managed Services Infrastructure as a Service Infrastructure solutions 14 14

15 IBM je dlouhodobě podporovatelem „Open“ technologií
Application Servers Cloud Computing Service Oriented Architecture Service Orientation Social Business Open Cloud Architecture June 1998: IBM enters into an engineering agreement with The Apache Group for development of the open-source Apache HTTP server software eventually becoming the leader of the new Application Server market Let’s set the stage for the importance of an open cloud by looking at IBM’s recent history since the mid-90s. From this timeline, you can see that IBM has a history of using and fostering innovation to drive open solutions by ensuring that industries come together on specific technology areas to accelerate growth and innovation. For example, can you even imagine what our world would look like if we were still fighting over standards for web pages? Of course not, but the only reason we are NOT still arguing over the format of web pages is because companies like IBM championed and grew the early standards required for a standardized web experience including HTML and HTTP standardization. The same can be said for SOA and now Cloud Computing. We must standardize technology in order to accelerate growth and innovation. But our story here is not just about developing open source and open standards for standardization across the industry, it must also be about providing valued differentiation around open source and standards, creating interoperability and then putting it into our products with increased value. This is exactly what IBM has done for open source and standards in the past and will continue to lead moving forward. It’s important for you to know that you can all be proud when we talk about IBM’s open cloud leadership and cloud solutions. IBM is leading THE major open source and standards initiatives across industries and then building these technologies into our solutions to ensure interoperability and flexibility for our clients. March 2014: IBM joins the launch of The Cloud Foundry Foundation to evolve PaaS and application development for the cloud. September 2012: IBM orchestrates the launch of The OpenStack Foundation boasting $10 million in funding and 5,600 members changing the dynamics of the Cloud ecosystem September 1999: IBM capitalizes on an untapped market trend and begins participating in the community development of Linux with a $60M annual investment November 2001: IBM rallies 150 influential vendors and the development community around a new tools environment with a $40 Million software donation disrupting the leadership of the software development ecosystem 15

16 IBM a OpenStack for IaaS
Cloud Open Stack je software pro budování privátních a veřejných IaaS cloudů COMPANIES INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS TOTAL DEVELOPERS (12mos) 2013 AVG MONTHLY CONTRIBUTORS 318 Members: 27 Total Sponsors: 58 Total Supporters: 233 Total 14,258 1410 354 COUNTRIES TOP 10 COUNTRIES United States, China, India, Great Britain, Australia, France, Russia, Canada, Ireland, Germany COMMITS 132 45k in 2013 (up 75% from previous 12 mos) Důležitost OpenStacku Standardizace Jednotné standardní APIs pro přístup a management Podporuje model všech typů cloud řešení Integrační funkce “spill over capability” a “single management” Akcelerace implementace funkcí IaaS do produktů

17 Infrastructure Level Services
Softwarová Cloud Management řešení od IBM Modulární – Společné Cloud Management Services IBM SmartCloud Orchestrator Prostředí poskytující orchestrační služby: Koordinace procesních toků / worklflows, nezbytné pro implementaci aplikací Deployment Serveru/aplikační infrastruktury Spolupráce IBM PureSystems/SmartCloud IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack Základní Infrastructure Cloud Services: Cloud provisioning na infrastruktuře OpenStack Základní funkce: lifecycle management, resource management, self-service portal, monitoring & metering 100% využití OpenStack APIs – IBM servery a architektury jsou podporovány Integrovaná platforma; volitelná komponenta AIX EE Orchestration Services Platform Level Services IBM Added Value (Pattern Services) (Image Lifecycle Management) Infrastructure Level Services (Provisioning, configuration, resource allocation, security, metering, etc.) Hypervisors VMware, KVM, Hyper-V*, PowerVM, zVM Cloud Resources Storage Compute Network TOSCA

18 IBM SmartCloud Orchestrator Architektura
SCO Core Components SCO Additional Components SCO Enterprise Edition Admin UI (Horizon) Self-Service UI Catalog Patterns SC Cost Management Offering API Pattern API Identity Management (Keystone) Service Orchestration IWD Pattern Engine SC Monitoring IBM BPM Metering (Ceilometer) Integrations vSys.Next OpenStack API Public Cloud Region SC Region Server SCO Region Server OpenStack Public Cloud Region Heat Neutron SoftLayer Amazon EC2 PowerVC vCenter KVM zVM Provisioned VM Cloud-init 18 18

19 Proč Orchestrator ? Provisioning je součástí end-2-end procesu dodávky cloud služby Provisioning je součástí procesu, jehož zpracování je cloudem automatizováno Proces realizace požadavku je v každé společnosti unikátní a podléhá procesnímu řízení VM Provisioning Modelový proces

20 SmartCloud Orchestrator – uživatelské rozhraní

21 IBM Pattern Deployment Framework
SmartCloud Orchestrator – šablony „patterns“ Šablony umožňující implementovat aplikační/systémové prostředí Reálně zavádí IT standardy do praxe Příprava infrastruktury (databáze, aplikační servery, monitoring....) Proces řízení implementace aplikací na virtualizované infrastruktuře do cloudu Životní cyklus pro infrastrukturní a aplikační topologie v cloudu Připravena pro DevOps řešení včetně řízení verzování aplikačních a systémových šablon Realizace jednotnou sadou nástrojů Software Application SLA policies Dev Topology Pattern QA Topology Pattern Production Topology Pattern SLA policies SLA policies SLA policies Volba OS Image IBM Pattern Deployment Framework VM recovery, middleware level resiliency, autoscaling, basic VM monitoring, logging

22 Simplify Workload Patterns creation and lifececle
BYOS – Bring your OS. Příprava operačního systému Šablona pro přípravu infrastrukturních technologií Stejné technologie pro přípravu vývojových/produkčních prostředí Implementace do cloud prostředí Správa „virtual systems“ a „virtual applications“ Škálování, dostupnost, údržba, správa skriptů . . .

23 SmartCloud Orchestrator – Pattern Builder
Jak se vytváří aplikační šablona....?

24 SmartCloud Orchestrator – administrace a provoz
Provozní prostředí

25 Březen 2014: Cloud Foundry for PaaS
Otevřená platforma pro vývoj, test a provoz cloud aplikací TOTAL CONTRIBUTORS LINES OF CODE WEEKLY PULL REQUESTS COMPANIES 1,191 Average per month 2013 average: 133 12mo average: 98 Lifetime average: 58 604k 50+ 40+ COMMUNITY PRIORITIES Established a Cloud Foundry Governance Structure Name an advisory board of 5-8 founding members Expand the governance structure to support the broad partner ecosystem Feedback on the Cloud Foundry roadmap Advise on daily operations, community assets Guidance on the Cloud Foundry charter: scope, definition of cloud profiles ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS 9 members: IBM, Piston, CenturyLink, Intel, Pivotal, ActiveState, Stark & Wayne, Canonical, Cloud Creedo ADVISORY BOARD Proč je důležitá? Otevřená forma pro vývoj cloud aplikací Analogicky co je J2EE / Servlets / EJBs pro je Cloud Foudry pro Cloud aplikace Nativní aplikace založené na Cloud Foundry jsou přenositelné Cloud Foundry podporují AWS, VMware, OpenStack, SoftLayer, RackSpace, atd. IBM směr k aplikacím „Composable Business“ Alternativa k proprietárním technologiím Microsoft Azure, Google App Engine, Heroku and Oracle Fusion

26 IBM BlueMix Co je IBM BlueMix? Jak Funguje? Jak se připojit/vyzkoušet?
IBM BlueMix je de-fakto vývojová platforma založená na Cloud Foundry určená především pro vývojáře cloudových aplikací Jak Funguje? IBM zajišťuje run-time prostředí a nezbytné komponenty pro vývoj a deployment cloud aplikací Jak se připojit/vyzkoušet? Registrovat a vyzkoušet možno zde:

27 IBM Cloud marketplace

28 Příklad služby

29 Public Cloud

30 Co je a není SoftLayer Globální poskytovatel cloud služeb
Poskytuje následující služby IaaS PaaS Virtuální Privátní cloud CDN (Content Delivery Network) HPC (High Performance Computing) Unikátnost SoftLayeru Jedinečná síťová infrastuktura (vs. Amazon) Číslo 1 ve web hostingu 90% revenue je z provozu fyzických serverů Web Self-service – vše se objednává/účtuje/platí z webu Konzistence mezi Web rozhraním a API pro vývojáře (unikátní na trhu) Spektrum služeb viz výše (v ČR nabízí omezené spektrum poskytovatelů)

31 SoftLayer lze použít pro následující oblasti IT řešení:
SoftLayer a UseCases SoftLayer lze použít pro následující oblasti IT řešení: Big Data / Analytics Dev Test Dev Ops Mobile Applications on Cloud Social Business HPC Web Application / E-Commerce Enterprise Applications Desktop Virtualization

32 SoftLayer Zákazníci 21,000 ve 140 zemích Servery 100,000 Zaměstnanci
685 Data centra 13 Síťové vstupy 17 Let’s start by introducing SoftLayer, an IBM Company. SoftLayer is one of the largest cloud infrastructure providers in the world, with more than 100,000 devices under management for 21,000 customers in 140 countries. SoftLayer operates a global footprint of 13 data centers and 17 network points-of-presence around the world, filled with servers, storage, routers, firewalls and load balancers. But the heart of this service isn’t servers or network cables. It’s a software platform that provides a complete operating system for the data center – that automates every aspect of infrastructure as a service – and that allows us to deliver the industry’s broadest and highest performing cloud platform. A brief history – SoftLayer was founded in 2005 by a team of technology and business leaders with a wealth of experience providing managed hosting and infrastructure services. Their vision was to build a new kind of on-demand hosting company, driven by software automation and sophisticated management tools – cloud computing before the term was widely used, you might say. By 2013 SoftLayer had become a global company with a management team comprised of seasoned hosting and cloud computing leaders; the market leader in Web hosting and home to more of the world’s top 100,000 sites and apps than any other provider. In July we were acquired by IBM, combining our leadership and innovation in cloud with the technology industry’s global innovation leader. Top 100,000 Sites By Hosting Provider Source:

33 Global DDOS Mitigation Global Internet Exchanges & Peering
Síť datových center 2014 Global Footprint 13 Datacenters across three continents Only Cloud provider in the world with a global internet backbone 17 Network POPs including all major carrier exchanges worldwide 7 Tier 1 transit providers, 1400 private peers, pass about 500Gbps sustained IPv4 and IPv6 dual stack – every compute instance and ancillary service comes dual stacked Arbor Network & Cisco Network Analysis and DDOS Mitigation Enterprise DNS system consisting of over 400 load balanced physical nodes across 20 global locations 20,000,000 active domains 100,000+ physical nodes – millions of virtual machines 21,000 customers in 140 countries IPv4/IPv6 dual stack Global DNS Global DDOS Mitigation Global Internet Exchanges & Peering 33 33

34 Jaké typy služeb SoftLayer nabízí?
Služby IaaS a PaaS Platforma pro Privátní cloud v prostředí veřejného cloudu Virtuální Server jako služba Fyzický server jako služba CDN – Content Delivery Network HPC – High Performance Computing (simulace, výpočty) Charging po hodinách NEBO měsíčně Základní monitoring v ceně Advanced 5 USD Premium 10 USD x86 Server Fyzické servery Private Clouds Virtuální Servery Public Clouds Hybrid Clouds HPC On top of this triple network architecture we’ve deployed a highly standardized and modular compute platform. Row upon row of x86 server sits patiently waiting to be pressed into service. You can deploy virtual instances into a shared public cloud environment, build high-performance dedicated servers or provision private clouds with your choice of several different virtualization stacks. Connect virtualized and bare metal, leverage onboard storage – SAS, SATA or SSD – SAN and NAS solutions or build on top of our global Object Storage platform. Add firewalls and load balancers for security and availability. Provision everything from a robust management portal or build autoscaling functionality directly into your app via our API. Deploy physical or virtual from a unified, image-based server provisioning system, and organize your infrastructure into Virtual Racks for ease of management and communication. You can start with a virtual server, snapshot with our Flex Images technology and instantly deploy a mirror image on a physical device – all the necessary conversion happens behind the scenes. Go the opposite direction and move from dedicated to virtual, or leverage a suite of features on bare metal – such as server cloning and image-based deployment – previously available only on a virtualized platform.

35 Jaké služby SoftLayer obsahuje
Služba hostingu Datacentra Připojení k internetu IP adresy (1 veřejná per server) Základní monitoring 7x24 7x24 přístup na portál 100% síťová dostupnost 7x24 Incident management Notifikace (mailem) Trouble ticketing přes portál Popis služeb: Master Service Agreement

36 Ukázka Praktické představení služeb veřejného cloudu

37 Závěr… Široká nabídka cloudových řešení a služeb
Infrastruktura jako služba Platforma jako služba Software jako služba Reflektuje heterogenní HW prostředí zákazníků a podporuje virtualizci více dodavatelů - VMware, Citrix, KVM, Hyper-V, PowerVM. IBM je schopna postavit celé Centrum sdílených služeb (Cloud) tzn. celé datové centrum, SW+HW infrastruktura včetně Cloud Service Management vrstvy Cloud technologie jsou Cloud Open Stacku; podporovány jsou i další Open technologie. CloudFoundry, BlueMix, IBM Marketplace jsou nejnovější techologie v oblasti Cloud Computingu. Možnost integrace navrhovaného Cloud prostředí na stávající systémy (např. SAP pro billing). Variantně je i možná integrace s externími cloud zdroji (tzv. Public cloudy) jako například Amazon web services.


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