Europe Majorette Championship TEREZA SALIVAROVÁ 2003 – future student from grade one.

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1 Europe Majorette Championship TEREZA SALIVAROVÁ 2003 – future student from grade one

2 In Autumn I took part in The Europe Majorette Championship in London. We won two cups: for the first place and for the second place.

3 Besides the Czech majorettes there were competing also majorettes from Holland, Croatia, England and other countries.

4 We were accommodated not far from the sea so we were not directly in London. The accommodation inside wasn´t in high level and they have quite strange sockets. We were staying there for five days.

5 London was very nice, especially Big Ben, the Tower of London and Tower Bridge.

6 Children wear the same school uniforms.

7 Také tam mají dvoupatrové autobusy a nějaké autobusy neměly v druhém patře střechu.

8 Měli tam pěkné obchody a prodavači tam jsou velmi milí a jeden tam byl napůl Čech a napůl Angličan.

9 I liked it there very much.

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