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ZveřejnilEma Jarošová
Obchodní akademie a Střední odborná škola, gen. F. Fajtla, Louny, p.o. Osvoboditelů 380, Louny Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0052Číslo sady 03 Číslo DUM 12 Předmět Anglický jazyk - konverzace Tematický okruh Reálie anglicky mluvících zemí – Great Britain and Australia Název materiálu British schools Autor Ing. Helena Zikmundová Datum tvorby Únor 2013 Ročník druhý Anotace Prezentace věnující se vysvětlení britského školství a porovnání s českým školstvím. Metodický pokyn 1. Vyzvěte žáky k odpovědím na úvodní otázky a porovnejte s informacemi o českém školství 2. Vysvětlete britské školství 3. Nechte žáky přiřadit nové výrazy k jejich ekvivalentům Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Ing. Helena Zikmundová. Dostupné z Metodického portálu, ISSN: 1802-4785. Provozuje Národní ústav pro vzdělávání, školské poradenské zařízení a zařízení pro další vzdělávání pedagogických pracovníků (NÚV).
British vs Czech schools Is the education in the Czech Republic compulsory? British children are required by law to have an education until they are 16 years old.
British vs Czech schools Can you be educated at home? Education is compulsory but school is not. Children can be educated at home.
British vs Czech schools How many years do you have to go to school? Schooling is compulsory from the age of 5 to 16.
British vs Czech schools Do all Czech schools teach the same things? All state schools in England, Wales and Scotland follow the National Curriculum.
Pre-school education Small children may attend Crèches at the age of 1- 3 years Kindergarten at the age of 3 – 5 years other common names – pre-school, nursery, play-school, playground
Primary schools the age of 5-7 -Infant school the age of 7-11 - Junior school boys and girls go to the same class
Secondary schools from 11 to 16 Comprehension schools – co-educational accept children from all backgrounds and religious and ethnic groups Grammar schools – single-sexed selective - entrance is based on a test of ability
Testing What national tests do you have to take at basic school? British children have to take several national tests during compulsory education
Testing At 7 National test of English and Math At 11 National test of English and Math At 14 National test of English, Math and Science At 16 GCSE exam – General Certificate of Secondary Education
After GCSE Students can choose: start work study a vocational school – students learn the skills needed to a job such as hairdressing, mechanics,.. study a sixth form college – pupils are prepared for national exam Advanced Level at the age of 18
Universities and colleges only for students with A level to get degree – students study on average three years full-time study most students graduate at 21 or 22 degree is given at a special graduation ceremony
Types of school in Britain State schools – run by local authorities free to all children between the ages of 5 – 16 Independent schools – private/public schools parents pay for their children's education
Match the expressions 1) compulsory 2) co-educational 3) degree 4) graduate 5) require A) to ask B) to finish C) must do D) qualification from a university E) boys and girls study together
Key 1C2E3D4B5A
Key compulsory co-educational degree graduate require must do boys and girls study together qualification from a university to finish to ask
Scottish schools In Scotland the educational system is a little different
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