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ZveřejnilSimona Brožová
Obchodní akademie a Střední odborná škola, gen. F. Fajtla, Louny, p.o. Osvoboditelů 380, Louny Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0052Číslo sady 05Číslo DUM 8 V Anglický jazyk - konverzace Tematický okruh Anglický jazyk pro veřejnou správu – obec a stát Název materiálu Elections Autor Mgr. Radka Nováková Datum tvorby červen 2013Ročník čtvrtý Anotace Prezentace slouží k seznámení žáků s volebním systémem ČR. Věnuje se odborné slovní zásobě a výkladu. Metodický pokyn Žáci si opakuji odbornou slovní zásobu a využívají ji k překladu jednoduchého textu a k vypracování doplňovacího cvičení.. Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Mgr. Radka Nováková. Dostupné z Metodického portálu, ISSN: 1802-4785. Provozuje Národní ústav pro vzdělávání, školské poradenské zařízení a zařízení pro další vzdělávání pedagogických pracovníků (NÚV).
Elections important part of the Czech political life general election must be held every 4 years people vote for their candidates
Who can vote? every citizen of the Czech Republic over 18 years of age.
Which elections can we take part in? Election to the Chamber of Deputies Elections to the Senate Presidential elections Regional elections Municipal elections
Check your vocabulary knowledge: elect go to the polls electing campaign proportional representation two-round majority system lead election treshold deputy
Check your answers: elect go to the polls electing campaign proportional representation two-round majority system lead election treshold deputy volit jít k volbám volební kampaň poměrné zastoupení dvoukolový většinový systém vést volební práh poslanec
Election to the Chamber of Deputies 200 deputies are elected for four-year term on the basis of a party-list proportional representation with a 5% election treshold
Elections to the Senate 81 members (senators) are elected for a six-year term on the basis of two-round majority system every two years, one third of the Senate´s seats come up for re-election
Presidential elections until 2012 the president was elected indirectly at a joint meeting of both the Chambers of the Parliament since 2013 there is a direct election five-year term of the office nobody may be elected the President of the Republic more than twice
Regional elections every four years since the year 2000 party-list proportional representation is used last elections were held in 13 regions ( except Prague) in 2012
Municipal election four-year term proportional system list of candidates 18 years of age
Check your vocabulary knowledge municipal council equal secret ballot run for municipality voters list submit obecní zastupitelstvo rovný tajné volby kandidovat obec voliči seznam předložit
Try to fill in the missing words: run for, councils, 18 years, four, elections, individual The members of municipal …………..are selected by direct, equal ……… secret ballot using a proportional system. Every citizen of the Czech Republic over ………..of age has the right to vote and to …………municipal office. The term of municipal council is………….. years. The number of councilors in each municipality is proportionate to its population. Voters may choose to vote for a list of candidates or for ………..candidates from any list that has been submitted.
Check your answers: The members of municipal council are selected by direct, equal elections by secret ballot using a proportional system. Every citizen of the Czech Republic over 18 years of age has the right to vote and to run for municipal office. The term of municipal council is four years. The number of councilors in each municipality is proportionate to its population. Voters may choose to vote for a list of candidates or forindividual candidates from any list that has been submitted.
Zdroje: ZAVÁZALOVÁ, Vladimíra; LUKÁČOVÁ, Alena. Angličtina pro veřejnou správu. Plzeň: Aleš Čeněk, 2007, ISBN 978-80-7380-057-4.
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