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Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT zaměření VM:
VY_32_INOVACE_Aj.5.18 – What is the time? název šablony: Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT zaměření VM: 5. ročník – Jazyk a jazyková komunikace – Cizí jazyk -Anglický jazyk- What is the time? autor VM: Mgr. Kateřina Kostelecká období vytvoření VM: Listopad- Prosinec2012 anotace: Výukový materiál je určen pro žáky 5.ročníku učebního předmětu Anglický jazyk. Žáci se seznámí formou prezentace s určováním času.
What's the time, please? What time is it, please? …o'clock quarter past… quarter to… half past…
It's three o'clock. It's five past four. It's ten past six.
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ It's quarter past It's twenty past It's twenty-five one nine past two.
It's half past four. It's twenty-five to It's twenty to five. nine.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ It's quarter to three It's ten to six It's five to seven.
Na čas se ptáme: „What's the time, please?“
Odpovídáme dle situace: „It's…“ Celé hodiny – O'CLOCK 4: It's four o'clock. 18: It's six o'clock. Od 1. minuty do půl – PAST 4: It's one past four. 4: It's eight past four. 5: It's quarter past five 6: It's half past six. Od 31. minuty do 59. minuty – TO 7: It's twenty-nine to eight. 10: It's quarter to eleven. 11: It's eight to twelve.
S časem se používá vždy předložka AT:
I get up at half past six. She has breakfast at 7:20. We usually come back home at 5 o'clock. ______________________________________________________________________ Zkratka am (nebo a.m.) za digitálním časem znamená ráno nebo dopoledne, zkratka pm (nebo p.m.) za digitálním časem znamená odpoledne nebo večer : He goes swimming at 6:45 a.m. We play golf from 3:30 p.m. to 5:15 p.m.
Přiřaď hodiny k větám: 1 2 3 4 8 6 7 5 It's half past four. It's ten to six. It's quarter to eight. It's five to three. It's ten past eleven. It's quarter past ten. It's twenty-five past two. It's twenty past nine.
Zkontrolujme si: 1 2 3 4 7 8 5 6 It's quarter past ten. It's five
to three. It's ten to six. It's twenty past nine. 7 8 5 6 It's quarter to eight. It's twenty-five past two. It's ten past eleven. It's half past four.
Napiš digitálně tyto časy:
seven to three = ______ eighteen past nine = ______ four to two = ______ half past five = _____ ten o'clock = _____ six past seven = _____ quarter past six = _____ twenty-three to four = _____ eight to eleven = _____ one past nine = _____
Zkontrolujme si: seven to three = 2:53 eighteen past nine = 9:18 four to two = 1:56 half past five = 5:30 ten o'clock = 10:00 six past seven = 7:06 quarter past six = 6:15 twenty-three to four = 3:37 eight to eleven = 10:52 one past nine = 9:01
Dokresli hodinám ručičky:
1 2 3 4 quarter to eight past twenty-six eleven seven eight to three o'clock 5 6 7 8 twelve past seventeen four past half past nine to four six twelve
Zkontrolujme si: 1 2 3 4 quarter to eight past twenty-six eleven seven eight to three o'clock 5 6 7 8 twelve past seventeen four past half past nine to four six twelve
Do you know these English proverbs?
Time is money. Čas jsou peníze. Better late than never. Lépe pozdě než nikdy. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Brzy léhej, brzy vstávej a budeš zdravý, bohatý a moudrý.
Oprav chyby: It's quarter Is it twenty It is three It's tventy
to twelve past ten to five past four. It's thirty-four It is twenty It is quarter It's fifteen past two to eleven past eight to twelve.
Zkontrolujme si: It's quarter It is eleven It is three It's twenty
past twelve past ten to six to four. It's twenty-four It is ten It is half It's quarter past two to eleven. past eight to one.
Citace: Purzen Clock Face clipart html
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